Publications - Newsletter, Events and Links

CREATE published a bi-annual newsletter with information on the progress of the research programme, key events, publications, upcoming events and other news related to education and access.
The CREATE Newsletter and list of events in now archived and available below:
- CREATE Newsletter Issue 7, December 2011
- CREATE Newsletter Issue 6, December 2010
- CREATE Newsletter Issue 5, March 2010
- CREATE Newsletter Issue 4, September 2009
- CREATE Newsletter Issue 3, January 2009
- CREATE Newsletter Issue No 2, January 2008
- CREATE Newsletter Issue No 1, July 2007
Event reports include event summaries, detailed accounts of meetings and conferences, links to powerpoint presentations, videos, podcasts and related websites:
- Keith Lewin took part in the University of Illinois conference on The Impact of Privatisation on the Education of Disavantaged Students. His paper was on Making Rights Realities: Does Privatising Educational Services for the Poor Make Sense?
- Commonwealth Ministers Sub-Committee finalises its post-2015 recommendations and advocacy strategy at a meeting in London, September 2013.
- Post-2015 Working Group Technical Meeting Statement
- Revised Post-2015 Working Group Background Paper
- Commonwealth Recommendations for the Post-2015 Development Framework for Education - Date: 18th-19th March 2013, Dakar, Senegal. Global Meeting of the Thematic Consultation on Education in the post-2015 Development Agenda. Timetable of Consultations
- Date: 5th December 2012, Houses of Parliament, London, UK. All Party Parliamentary Group on Education for All. Report
- Date: 28th - 31st August 2012, Port Louis, Mauritius.
18th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers. Keith Lewin was invited to lead the plenary discussion on the future of the Millennium Development Goals and Education for All targets. There were 48 Ministers present at the discussion with their teams of senior officials.
Report and photos
Presentation by Keith Lewin: Revisiting the Internationally Agreed Targets (IAGs) for Education post 2015
Roundtable presentation by Keith Lewin on educational financing
Ministerial Working Group on the Post-2015 Development Framework for Education report - Date: 3rd - 7th August 2012, AusAID Conference, Manila, The Philippines.
Keith Lewin was invited to open the conference of Australian Education advisors in Manila. The one week event attracted 70 advisors and country based officers. The CREATE model and findings were used to structure discussion and have been very influential in shaping Australia's aid programme. Keith worked with colleagues in Vanuatu, Laos and the Philippines to develop country level analyses based on Zones of Exclusion. These are likely to form the basis for programme development in some AusAID countries. AusAID has committed $6 Billion over the next three yeas to educational assistance. This will make it one of the largest bi-lateral donors to education. - Date: 9th May 2012
Meeting in Brussels with Parliamentarians, VVOB (Belgian Aid), Plan International, and other NGOs. This event was planned around a panel discussion with Keith and Carol Bellamy (formerly Executive Director of UNICEF and Chair of Board of Directors of the multi donor trust fund formally known as the Fast Track Initiative). Report and photos - Date: 22nd - 27th April 2012, Puerto Rico
Keith Lewin spoke at the 56th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) of North America on Changing Patterns of Access and their Implications for Policy - Date: 1st-8th April 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Keith Lewin, Benjamin Zeitlyn and Angela Little were in Ethiopia at the invitation of the Ministry of Education and DFID to present research findings from CREATE and from Young Lives. The Hon Minster Ato Demeke Mekonnen opened the conference and Keith delivered the opening plenary. The invited audience included senior Ministry officials, development agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders. Report and photos
Keith Lewin Making Rights Realities - Presentation Pack Version - Date: 14th March 2012. London International Development Centre
Keith Lewin and Angela Little spoke at the Education and International Development Seminar Series of the LIDC on Research Insights from the Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions and Equity and its Implications for Policy - Date: 25th February 2012, Hong Kong
The Making Rights Realities synthesis of CREATE's research was presented as the opening plenary at the 2012 Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Comparative Education Society at the University of Hong Kong to an audience of about 100 faculty and students from HK (SAR), and China and Taiwan. Two further seminars were presented on Taking Indicators to Task (Hong Kong University, February 28th), and on Changing Patterns of Access (February 29th at the Hong Kong Institute of Education). - Date: 8th-10th February 2012, AUSAID, Canberra, Australia.
Australian Aid have made extensive use of concepts and outputs from CREATE in developing their new Strategy Paper for Aid to Education which was published in November 2011. Subsequently AUSAID organised a three day retreat for its Education Advisors and asked Keith to provide core inputs and the opening plenary. AUSAID plans to adapt the CREATE Zones of exclusion and other aspects of the conceptual framework and analytic techniques to shape its $5 Billion assistance programme focused on South and South East Asia and the Pacific. - Date: 27th January 2012. NZ AID, Wellington, New Zealand.
Seminar at the offices of New Zealand Aid with education team members reviewing findings from CREATE and relevance to NZAID programme which focuses on Pacific Island States. - Date: October 19th-25th, 2011. Beijing.
Chinese Comparative and International Society biennial International Conference. Making Rights Realities, Keith-Lewin, September 2011. - Date: 25-26 July 2011, Johannesburg, South Africa.
South Africa Policy Dialogue. Meeting the Twin Imperative of Equity and Quality in Education. - Date: April 22nd-27th 2012, Puerto Rico.
Keith Lewin will speak at the 56th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)of North America on Changing patterns of access and their implications for policy - Date: February 25th,2012. Hong Kong
The Making Rights Realities synthesis will be presented and discussed in plenary at the 2012 Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Comparative Education Society at the University of Hong Kong in February 2012. - Date: December 5th-6th 2011 Brussels
Event: Core plenary to VVOB and The VVOB is the Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance, a quasi-governmental organisation. Commissioned by the Flemish and the Belgian governments, it contributes to the quality of education in developing countries. Making Rights Realities was presented to an audience of about 200 development professionals. The days events included discussion of the CREATE research findings and their implications for Belgian technical cooperation. - Date: October 19th-25th, 2011 Beijing
Event: Chinese Comparative and International Society biennial International Conference, Beijing. Plenary presentation of Making Rights Realities based on CREATE research findings. The Research Monograph PTA 61 Education and Change in Rich, Poor and National Minority Areas in China: Two Decades of Transition has now been published and launched at the conference. The MRR synthesis is being translated into Chinese for publication in the Chinese Journal of Comparative Education.
Link to photo - Dates 11th 13th September, 2011 Oxford
Event: Making Rights Realities was launched to the UK education and development constituency at the UKFIET Conference at New College Oxford 12th-15th September. This Symposium was based on two special editions of journals devoted to CREATE. These are Access, Equity and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries edited by Keith Lewin, Angela Little and Frances Hunt for the International Journal of Educational Development. Vol 31:4 and Access to Basic Education in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia Policies, Politics and Progress edited by Angela W. Little and Keith M. Lewin was published in 2011. Journal of Educational Policy Vol 26:4 - Date: 5 - 9 September 2011 New York
Event: Keith Lewin launched the CREATE synthetic report Making Rights Realities at the Extended Retreat for UNICEF Education staff in New York September 5th-9th. This 70 page document provides a narrative giving an overview of research findings and list all of the research products. It projects the CREATE Twelve Point Development Programme as a basis for policy dialogue. - Date: August 1st-6th, 2011 Nairobi
Event: Annual meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment in Africa. Invited external speaker to 350 delegates. Paper on analysis of performance of 500,000 candidates undertaken with the Kenya National Examinations Council leading to inputs into national feedback systems that provide information to schools and candidates on patterns of performance and their correlates.
Link to report - Date: June 10th
Event - Book launch NUEPA Delhi
The research team in India organised a high level launch of Who Goes to School: Exploring Exclusion in Indian Education which captures material from the programme and is published by Oxford University Press. The Minister for Human Resource Development for India launched the book at NUEPA.
Link to report - Date: 25 - 29 July 2011, Johannesburg
Event: CREATE held its three day dissemination event for South Africa at the Universities of the Witwatersrand and Johannesburg in July. The Deputy Minister of Education opened the conference, 15 researchers presented papers, and the Director General and his senior management team addressed an invited audience of about 100. CREATE partners from India, Bangladesh and Ghana also contributed. Three analytic books synthesising CREATE research in South Africa, India and Bangladesh were launched at this event. The conferences were followed by two further days in the National Department discussing findings and engaging in policy dialogue.
Link to report - Date: 5 - 9 September 2011
Keith Lewin launched the CREATE synthetic report Making Rights Realities at the Extended Retreat for UNICEF Education staff in New York September 5th-9th. This 70 page document provides a narrative giving an overview of research findings and list all of the research products. It projects the CREATE Twelve Point Development Programme as a basis for policy dialogue.
Making Rights Realities will also be made available at the UKFIET Conference at New College Oxford 12th-15th September.
Link to report - Date: 7 - 8 May 2011
National Education Conference. CREATE and the Institute of Education and Development, BRAC University in Dhaka, Bangladesh co-organised an event with CAMPE to focus on education prospects in the fifth decade of Bangladesh (2011-21). CREATE outputs were featured. Attended by The Education Minister, Nurul Islam Nahid.
Link to report
Link to powerpoint presentations
- Date: 7 - 8 May 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Event: National Education Conference with CREATE. CREATE and the Institute of Education and Development, BRAC University in Dhaka, Bangladesh co-organised an event with Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE) to focus on education prospects in the fifth decade of Bangladesh (2011-21). CREATE sponsored the conference and provided the research inputs including the launch of a book containing CREATE research on Bangladesh.
Link to report - Date: May 6th-9th,2011, Delhi
Event: Rastriya Madhyamic Shiksha Abhiyan inception conference for the $800 million programme to expand secondary schooling in India organised by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, the World Bank, and DFID. Presentation in plenary based on demographic and financial and State level perspective plans using models developed by Keith Lewin with MHRD. - Date: 1-5 May 2011
Keith Lewin and Angela Little attended the North American Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada. Keith presented a paper on Changing Patterns of Access to Education in Anglophone and Francophone Countries in Sub Saharan Africa: Is Education for All Pro-Poor? co-authored with Ricardo Sabates (PTA No 52). This explores how patterns of access have been changing across countries in Sub Saharan Africa and is published as a CREATE Monograph. Keith also chaired a symposium on Changing Practices in Teacher Education organised by Ken Zeichner. Angela chaired the session on multilateral agency policies and practices and presented a paper on Education for All: Policies, Politics and Progress based on her three CREATE monographs on this theme in Ghana, India and Sri Lanka (PTA nos 38, 42 and 44).
Link to paper by Keith Lewin
Link to paper by Angela Little
- Date: 22-23 Feb 2011
Event: CREATE Symposium at NUEPA to consolidate and celebrate its work. The programme included research outputs from its partners and disseminated over 50 research products, Delhi, India.
Link to report, & photos
Link to videos
Link to powerpoint presentations - Date: 2-3 Feb 2011
Event: 11th Meeting of the Education for All Working Group, UNESCO, Paris, France. Keith Lewin was invited to join International Working Group for EFA which meets annually prior to the High Level Group meeting which this year will return to Jomtien, Thailand. At this meeting the Global Monitoring Report was presented in advance of its UK launch in March and its theme on conflict highlighted the extent to which access to education remains compromised by war and violence. Keith also visited the International Institute for Educational Planning to discuss with the Director and others various forthcoming initiatives related to access to education. Further information - Date: 27-29 Jan 2011
Event: Global Conclave of Young Scholars of Indian Education, New Delhi, India. Link to flyer - Date: 8 Dec 2010
Event: Special event with Gordon Brown in conversation with panel of speakers, chaired by The Guardian journalist Madeleine Bunting, on how investing in education can be the lever to overcoming poverty and enhancing growth. Organised by The Global Campaign for Education, London, UK. Attended by Benjamin Zeitlyn, Research Fellow, CREATE. - Date: 8 Dec 2010
Event: The Gladwyn Lecture on "Peace, Progress and Challenge". Organised by the Council for Education in the Commonwealth. Co-sponsored by CREATE. Speaker-Dr. Nosa Aladeselu, Director of the Africa Women's Empowerment Guild. Discussant-Prof. Michael Omolewa. Chair-David Lammy, previous Minister of State for Higher Education, Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House, Westminster, London, UK. Link to flyer - Date: 2 Dec 2010
Event: Lecture on "The Sri Lankan Education Reforms of 1997: the double-edged sword of political will" by Professor Angela Little at the University of Colombo's Faculty of Education, Sri Lanka. Link to lecture summary and photo - Date: 15 Nov 2010
CREATE researchers visiting the Joint Policy Conference with EdQual and RECOUP report on the conference, their work and key findings about access to education in their countries, Institute of Education, London, UK.
Link to report & presentations
Link to LIDC coverage
Listen to Podcasts
- Date: 9 Oct 2010, Hangzhou, China
Event: Annual Conference of the Society at Zheijang University, China. Keith Lewin was invited by the Comparative Education Society of China and to give an appreciation in plenary of Professor Wang Chengxu's lifetime contribution to the field of study on the occasion of his 100th Birthday and tom present findings from CREATE research in China and elsewhere.
Link to report - Date: 9 Oct 2010
Event: 100th Birthday of Professor Wang Chengxu, Annual Conference of the Society at Zheijang University, China. Keith Lewin was invited by the Comparative Education Society of China and to give an appreciation in plenary of Professor Wang Chengxu's lifetime contribution to the field of study. Further details and photo - Date: 27-28 Sept 2010
Event: CREATE Symposium with Edqual and Recoup. CREATE collaborated with EdQual and RECOUP and the Ministry of Education in Ghana and DFID in a Symposium to feed back the results of the research to stakeholders. Link to report - Date: 13 Sept 2010
Event: Lancet-LIDC Commission: Lessons Learned from the MDGs and Future Goal Setting.
A new blueprint for international development has been published by The Lancet to coincide with the UN's major summit about the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The recommendations made by authors including CREATE's Professor Angela Little, of the Institute of Education and Veerle Dieltiens, of the Wits Education Policy Unit in Johannesburg were discussed at a launch event at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Link to article - Date: 22-28 Aug 2010
Event: IARIW 31st General Conference, St-Gallen, Switzerland.
CREATE role: Dr Ricardo Sabates presented at the conference. Link to programme - Date: 10-12 Sept 2010
Event: BAICE conference: Education and Social Justice in challenging times, UEA, UK. - Date: 15 July 2010
Event: Private Sector Development in a Big Society - DFID Retreat - Education Sector; The DFID Education Advisors met with the Private Sector Department of DFID at an Advisors Retreat. About 40 Advisors attended. Sussex and CREATE were well represented. (Link to day 3 of programme). Joanna Harma (Sussex DPhil) and Masooda prepared the lead briefing paper and Joanna referred to her PTA - School choice for the poor? The limits of marketisation of primary education in rural India (Summary).
Harry Patrinos from the World Bank presented (ex IDS). Pauline Rose (ex Sussex now at the GMR) led a discussion. Keith Lewin was asked to discuss with James Tooley the merits and demerits of private schools for the poor. A lively discussion ensued around the various issues captured in PTA 5 The Limits to Growth of Non-Government Private Schooling in Sub Saharan Africa (Summary) and James Tooleys various writings. A cd-rom should be available in due course.
- Date: 30 June 2010
Event: Global Initiative on Out of School Children (OOSC) organised by UNICEF and the UNESCO Institute of Statistics, Istanbul, Turkey.
CREATE role: Keith Lewin gave the opening keynote address to the inaugural meeting. Further details - Date: 29 June 2010
Event: Public lecture by V.J. Kumar-access and activity based learning-a transition in Tamil Nadu, LIDC, London, UK. Further details
Report / Podcast - Date: 22 June 2010
Event: Annual One World Media Awards Ceremony, London, UK. Makutano Junction-New Media Award winner. - Date: 14-20 June 2010
Event: World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Istanbul, Turkey. - Date: 28 May-5 June 2010
Event: CREATE workshop, Mankessim, Ghana. Report and photos - Date: 28 May 2010
Event: An interagency group on Children Out of School meet at UNESCO in Paris on the 28th of May. The CREATE model of Zones of Exclusion was presented and is being used to frame policy dialogue around the issues that surround Out Of School children. A 21 country study is planned to improve the database on the characteristics of OOS children and identify interventions that reduce the prevalence of exclusion. This is linked to Marginal Budgeting for Bottlenecks (MBB) in order to make links between flows of resources and measures to reduce exclusion. CREATE will have further inputs into the Global Initiative on OOS as it develops and is likely to be represented on its advisory group. - Date: 30 Apr-4 May 2010
Event: AERA Annual Conference: Understanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World, Denver, Colorado, USA. - Date: 21 Apr 2010
Event: Seminar on the "Exploring Improvement in Elementary Schools", NUEPA, New Delhi, India. Details/more information: Report and photos List of participants - Date: 20 Apr 2010
Event: DFID Meeting of 14 Research Consortia to discuss forward planning, University of Leeds, UK. - Date: 11 March 2010
Event: DFID held a conference evaluating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in advance of the Global event planned for New York in September. The new Education Strategy Paper was presented to the meeting and a symposium discussed educational issues in the afternoon and was attended by Keith Lewin on behalf of CREATE. - Date: 8 March 2010
Event: Launch of 2010 GMR: Reaching and teaching the most marginalised, Institute of Education, London, UK. CREATE role: CREATE members present - Date: 3 March 2010
Event: DFID launch of its Education Strategy Paper. The CREATE model is now being used by DFID in its latest Education Strategy document which was launched in London at DFID on March the 3rd at a meeting attended by Keith Lewin. The new approaches cluster around Learning for All and develop three themes on Access, Quality and skills and Knowledge. The new strategy paper can be found on the DFID website. - Date: 1-5 March 2010 Event: Comparative International Education Society (CIES) in Chicago
Date: 27 Jan 2010
Event: CREATE Annual Lecture, International Development Centre, London, UK.
CREATE role: Public lecture by Professor Pai Obanya-The Politics of Access to Education: the Nigerian Story
Details / more information: Presentation Presentation summary Podcast -
Date: 25 Jan 2010
Event: CREATE Seminar on Planning and Managing Meaningful Access to Education: The Nigerian Experience, Sussex University, UK.
CREATE role: Presentation by Pai Obanya
Details / more information: Presentation Paper and photos from the seminar -
Date: 19 Nov 09
Event: Seminar on Strengthening the global education compact: lessons learnt from the EFA fast track Initiative, London, UK.
CREATE role: CREATE research associate Desmond Bermingham presented. CREATE research associate Victoria Turrent was the discussant.
Details / more information: Link to article -
Date: 12-15 Oct 09
Event: School-based improvement planning workshop in Raipur, Chhattisgargh, India
CREATE role: CREATE dissemination event - India. Details / more information: Link to report
Date: 15-17 Sept 09
Event: Politics, Policies and Progress, 10th UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development, Oxford, UK
CREATE role: CREATE presentations
Details / more information:
Link to presentations and photos
Link to videos -
Date: 13-14 Sept 09
Event: Consortium Advisory Group Meeting, University of Sussex
CREATE role: CAG meeting
Date: 9-14 Sept 09
Event: Partner Institute Co-ordinator meeting, University of Sussex
CREATE role: CREATE partner meeting
Date: 10-11 Sept 09
Event: National Seminar on Education for All, NUEPA, India
CREATE role: R Govinda and Mona Sedwal organised the seminar
Date: 24-25 Aug 09
Event: Seminar: Access to elementary education in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, India
CREATE role: CREATE dissemination event - India
Details / more information: Summary and photos from the event -
Date: 10 Aug 09
Event: 8th National Conference on Multigrade Education in China, at the University of Lanzhou, China
CREATE role: Angela Little gave keynote address
Date: 15-19 June 09
Event: Commonwealth Ministers Meeting (CCEM), Malaysia
CREATE role: Keith Lewin presented in the stakeholder forum on the theme of expanded access: universal secondary education.
Details / more information: Link to report -
Date: 18 June 09
Event: UNESCO- BAFED symposium on research in education, in Dhaka, Bangladesh
CREATE role: Manzoor Ahmed presented paper: Bridging Rhetoric and Reality in Policy Initiatives: Cases of Literacy and Teacher Development
Date: 23 April 09
Event: CREATE conference: University of Cape Coast, Ghana
CREATE role: CREATE members presenting
Details / more information: Papers and Photos from the event -
Date: 19-21 April 09
Event: MOESS and CREATE conference, Ghana
CREATE role: Presentations by CREATE team.
Details / more information: Papers and Photos from the event -
Date: 19 April 09
Event: ELCG Extraordinary Meeting on Post-PEDP II Planning: Policy Priorities and Actions
CREATE role: Manzoor Ahmed was the main speaker.
Date: 7 April 09
Event: Meeting on Discrimination and Exclusion in School Education in India, UNICEF, India
CREATE role: R. Govinda presented
Date: 24-25 March 09
Event: National Seminar on the Common School System and Inclusive Development of Education, NUEPA
CREATE role: Madhumita Bandyopadhyay paper: Common School System in India: Where Do We Stand?
Date: 19 March 09
Event: Gauteng Department of Education Curriculum Information & Knowledge Dissemination Colloquium, Johannesburg
CREATE role: Veerle Dieltiens presented overview of CREATE findings
Date: 16- 17 March 09
Event: Curriculum development and implementation workshop, BRAC Centre, Dhaka
CREATE role: CREATE team organised workshop
Date: 5-7 March 09
Event: Equity and Education in India: Policy issues and challenges seminar, University of Delhi, India
CREATE role: Papers: Mona Sedwal - Scheduled Caste Children in Elementary Education, Social Equity Concerns; R. Govinda - Elementary Education in India: Exploring Zones of Exclusion
Date: 5-7 March 09
Event: International Seminar on Quality School Education For All, IHC, New Delhi
CREATE role: Papers: Rashmi Diwan - Increasing access- decreasing quality; R Govinda and Madhumita Bandyopadhyay - School quality and the phenomenon of silent exclusion: access, equity and participation.
Details / more information: More info -
Date: March 09
Event: DFID Education Advisors meeting, Chennai, India
CREATE role: Angela Little and Keith Lewin present with DFID education advisors.
Details / more information: Programme and photos Presentation -
Date: 06 March 09
Event: Meeting on public-private partnerships in education, BRAC Centre, Bangladesh
CREATE role: Manzoor Ahmed participated
Date: March 09
Event: National Conference Ghana(with Edqual and Recoup)
CREATE role: Presentations by CREATE Ghana team on fieldwork and thematic papers.
Date: Feb 09
Event: DFID Teacher Education conference, Udaipur, India
CREATE role: Angela Little presented paper
Date: 4-6 Feb 09
Event: National Seminar on Small Schools in India, NUEPA, New Delhi
CREATE role: Rashmi Diwan presented two papers.
Date: 26 Jan 2009
Event: GMR 2009 Launch
CREATE role: CREATE members present
Details / more information: Link to report -
Date: 22 Jan 09
Event: Meeting UNICEF offices Delhi
CREATE role: R. Govinda presented CREATE project findings.
Date: 21 Jan 09
Event: Education Local Consultative Group (ELCG) meeting, Dhaka, Bangladesh
CREATE role: Manzoor Ahmed presented.
Date: 12-16 Jan 09
Event: International Conference (SIDA Lund University funded): Child Rights, Classroom and School Management, Bangkok, Thailand
CREATE role: Nalini Juneja and Madhumita Bandyopadhyay were present
Date: 3-5 Dec 08
Event: National seminar on EFA: Access, exclusion and outcomes. Dissemination workshop for CREATE and RECOUP (NUEPA and CORD), Delhi, India.
CREATE role: India CREATE team. R. Govinda, Rashmi Diwan & Mona Sedwal.
Details / more information: Full report -
Date: 18 Nov 08
Event: CREATE Annual Lecture, Institute of Education, London, UK
CREATE role: Public lecture by Dr. Harsha Aturupane of the World Bank
Details / more information: Report of the event -
Date: 17 Nov 08
Event: Sri Lanka 60 Years of Educational Progress and Challenge, 1 Parliament Street, Room C, Westminster, London, UK
CREATE role: Dr. Harsha Aturupane Senior Economist, World Bank Sri Lanka
Chair: Tim Boswell MP
Discussant: Prof Angela Little
Details / more information: Sri Lanka meeting -
Date: Nov, 2008
Event: Joint Dissemination workshop: CREATE and RECOUP, Ghana
CREATE role: Ghana PIC and team
Date: 5 Nov 08
Event: No Goals at Half time: what next for the Millennium Development Goals?, London International Development Centre
CREATE role: Professor Angela Little presented
Link to presentations
Details / more information: Summary of proceedings -
Date: 6 October 2008
Event: OECD Book launch – Review of the South African Education System. Sponsored by Ministry of Education.
CREATE role: Veerle Dieltiens wrote Chapter One
Details / more information: Programme -
Date: 23-26 October 2008
Event: Kenton Conference 2008, 350 Years of Formal Schooling in South Africa: Where to from here?
CREATE role: Members of South Africa CREATE team presenting
Details / more information: Link to the Call for Papers -
Date: 4-6 Sept 08
Event: BAICE Conference: ‘Internationalisation in Education: Culture, Context and Difference’, Glasgow, Scotland
CREATE role: Stuart Cameron presented ‘education decisions in the slums of Dhaka’
Details / more information: Conference Paper
Presentation -
Date: 4-6 Sept 08
Event: BAICE Conference: ‘Internationalisation in Education: Culture, Context and Difference’, Glasgow, Scotland
CREATE role: Stuart Cameron presented ‘education decisions in the slums of Dhaka’
Details / more information: Conference Paper
Presentation -
Date: 17-19 July 2008
Event: SACHES Annual Conference, Maputu, Mozambique
CREATE role: Paper presented by Veerle Dieltiens and Sarah Meny-Gibert
Details / more information: Link to paper -
Date: 10th July 08
Event: Centre for International Education Symposium
CREATE role: CREATE members present
Details / more information: Link to programme -
Date: 7-10 July 08
Event: Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE) Conference, Athens
CREATE role: CREATE team members present
Details / more information: Link to conference website -
Date: 3-4 July 08
Event: Symposium on Directions of Educational Planning International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris
CREATE role: Presentation by Keith Lewin
Details / more information: Link to full paper -
Date: 1-2 July 2008
Event: Power of the in-between conference, Pretoria, South Africa
CREATE role: Veerle Dieltiens attended
Details / more information: Link to conference -
Date: 24 June 08
Event: 'Education and Welfare in Ghana: The Evolution of Exclusion 1991-2006', Seminar for the Department of Education and International Development, Institute of Education
CREATE role: Seminar by Caine Rolleston
Details / more information: Link to presentation -
Date: 16-19 June 2008
Event: Education Sector Review conference, Accra, Ghana
CREATE role: CREATE team members present
Date: 13-14 June 08
Event: Conference on 'Bangladesh in the 21st Century', Harvard University
CREATE role: Co-authored paper presented by Manzoor Ahmed
Details / more information: Link to paper -
Date: 3 June 08
Event: Ghana National Education Coalition Campaign (GNECC) conference, Koforidua, Ghana
CREATE role: S Djangmah presenting
Date: June 08
Event: Seminar: Life histories of never enrolled children in Ghana
CREATE role: CREATE Researchers; Ghana Team
Date: June 08
Event: Launch of South Asia Access to Education review
CREATE role: R Govinda and M Ahmed
Date: May 08
Event: CREATE Ghana launch event for CAR
CREATE role: Ghana team
Date: 5-9 May 08
Event: ADEA Biennial Conference, Maputu. Theme: Theme: Beyond Primary Education: Challenges of and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in Africa
CREATE role: Keith Lewin present
Details / more information: Link to conference website Link to presentations Link to K. Lewin paper -
Date: 7 May 08
Event: Meeting to present preliminary observations on the CREATE ComSS in India, NUEPA, Delhi
Details / more information: link to summary of discussions -
Date: 7 April 08
Event: NUEPA, Delhi, India
CREATE role: Keith Lewin lecture on Financing of Secondary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
Date: 17-21 March, 08
Event: CIES Conference, New York
Keith Lewin presented on research on education in Africa symposium and the Gender and equity symposium. Angela Little and Shireen Motala presented on CREATE.
CREATE role: CREATE team members present.
Details / more information: Link to conference website -
Date: 13 Mar 08
Event: 'EFA: Politics, Policies, and Progress' Seminar for the Department of Education and International Development and the Special Interest Group on Education and International Development, Institute of Education
CREATE role: Seminar by Professor Angela Little
Details / more information: link to paper -
Date: 06-07 March 08
Event: Gauteng Department of Education Research Conference, South Africa
CREATE role: Veerle Dieltiens and Gift Luxomo present CREATE programme
Details / more information: Link to conference proceedings -
Date: 2-4 March 08
Event: Conference on Governance in Education: Transparency, Accountability and Effectiveness
CREATE role: Presentation given by Manzoor Ahmed
Details / more information: Manzoor Ahmed Speech Chief Advisor Speech Conclusions and Recommendations -
Date: 28 Feb-1 March 08
Event: National Symposium, BRAC Centre, Bangladesh. Symposium will discuss governance issues, including access, participation, equity and quality to education.
CREATE role: CREATE team (BU-IED) with UNESCO and two Ministries of Education organise event
Date: 25 Feb 08
Event: 'Changing Patterns of Access in Kenya', Centre for International Education, University of Sussex, UK
CREATE role: Seminar by Tony Somerset
Details / more information: Link to presentation -
Date: Feb 2008
Event: Launching of CREATE first phase fieldwork Mfantseman District at University of Cape Coast, Ghana
CREATE role: CREATE team Ghana
Date: 17 Jan 08
Event: Colloquium on the GMR 2008. A critical reflection on the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2008, Institute of Education, London, UK
CREATE role: Members of CREATE team
Details / more information: Link to programme Link to conference website Link to paper -
Date: 17-18 Dec 07
Event: National Seminar on Access to Elementary Education in India. NUEPA, India. Based on India CAR.
CREATE role: India CREATE team
Details / more information: Link to paper -
Date: 15 Dec 07
Event: CREATE presentation to Parliamentary sub –committees on education, Ghana, in relation to achievement of MDGs
CREATE role: Professor Jerome Djangmah
Date: 14-16 Dec 07
Event: Deshkal Society conference on Education, Pluralism and Marginality: Comparative Perspectives New Delhi, India
CREATE role: Seminar by Professor Angela Little Seminar by Professor R. Govinda
Details / more information: Link to A. Little paper Link to R. Govinda paper -
Date: 5 Dec 07
Event: CREATE lecture, Institute of Education, London, UK
CREATE role: Public Lecture by Professor Krishna Kumar
Details / more information: Link to lecture -
Date: 21 Nov 07
Event: Workshop on content validation in India. Various teachers from Delhi present.
CREATE role: Conducted by Professor R Govinda and Dr Rashmi Diwan
Date: 17-25 Nov 07
Event: Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, Kampala, Uganda
CREATE role: Professor Keith Lewin presentation
Details / more information: Click here for a link to papers and further information -
Date: 13 Nov 07
Event: Ghana - 50 Years of Educational Progress and Challenge, Parliament Offices, Westminster, London. Educational Expansion and Access in Ghana: A Review of 50 Years of Challenge and Progress
CREATE role: Dr Kwame Akyeampong presentation
Details / more information: link to paper -
Date: 05 Nov 07
Event: Civil society consultation on the Mid Term Review of PEDPII, Bangladesh. Consultation was around access, participation, equity and quality in primary education.
CREATE role: Dr Manzoor Ahmed chaired meeting
Details / more information: Click here for a report on the event -
Date: 29 Oct - 12 Nov 07
Event: Mid Term Review of PEDP II, Dhaka, Bangladesh
CREATE role: CREATE team involved in informal and parallel consultation with review team.
Date: 25-28 Oct 07
Event: Kenton Conference, South Africa
CREATE role: Mmeli Macanda paper: Educational access in the Eastern Cape Veerle Dieltiens paper: Tilling new ground: finding educational space for farm school children
Date: 05 Oct 07
Event: World Teachers Day event, Dhaka, Bangladesh
CREATE role: Dr Manzoor Ahmed chaired roundtable
Date: 14-16 Sept 07
Event: Partner Institute Co-ordinator meeting, Oxford, UK
CREATE role: CREATE partners
Date: 15 Sept 07
Event: Consortium Advisory Group (CAG) meeting, Oxford, UK
CREATE role: CAG members
Date: 11-13 Sept 07
Event: UK Forum for International Education and Training (UKFIET) Conference, Oxford, UK
CREATE role: CREATE symposia with other Education RPCs
Details / more information: Click here for further information and presentations Conference link -
Date: 03-07 Sept 07
Event: World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
CREATE role: Keith Lewin and Angela Little present. A. Little chaired session in UNESCO symposium on access to education
Details / more information: Conference link -
Date: Sept 07
Event: CREATE analytic review launch, Ghana
CREATE role: CREATE CAR launch -
Date: 10 July 2007
Event: CREATE publications launch
CREATE role: Publications launch
Details / more information: Further information -
Date: 25 June 2007
Event: University of Sussex Research Dinner
CREATE role: CREATE research highlighted
Details / more information: Further information -
Date: 19 – 22 June 2007
Event: International School Fee Abolition Conference, Mali
CREATE role: Keith Lewin present
Details / more information: Conference information -
Date: 14 June 2007
Event: Country Analytic Review launch, South Africa
CREATE role: CREATE CAR launch
Details / more information: Event summary - Date: 14 May 2007
Event: UK National Commission for UNESCO Education Committee. EFA Working Group. Teachers and Teacher Education for EFA in Africa
CREATE role: Keith Lewin present
Details / more information: Seminar information CREATE summary -
Date: 25–26, 28 April 07
Event: Policy dialogue on Global Campaign for EFA
CREATE role: CREATE Bangladesh team organised the event. Key stakeholders e.g. CAMPE, UNESCO, Daily Star, donor organisations, government personnel were present.
Details / more information: Conference information -
Date: 5 April 07
Event: Ghana CREATE team meeting with MOESS and GES directors
CREATE role: CREATE team members with representatives from Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service -
Date: 02-04 April 2007
Event: Third Secondary Education in Africa Conference (SEIA), Ghana
CREATE role: CREATE Presentations
Details / more information: Conference link CREATE summary -
Date: 30 March 07
Event: National Reference Group meeting Ghana
CREATE role: NRG Ghana present -
Date: 15 March 07
Event: Education Community of Practice, Second Resource Group meeting. India
CREATE role: R. Govinda spoke about CREATE’s zones of exclusion
Details / more information: Click here for further information -
Date: 06 March 2007
Event: CREATE Country Analytic Review launch, Bangladesh
CREATE role: CREATE CAR launch
Details / more information: Click here for further information -
Date: 26 Feb – 2 Mar 2007
Event: CREATE team workshop, University of Sussex, UK
CREATE role: Representatives from CREATE partner institutes -
Date: 07 Feb 2007
Event: Seminar. School of Lifelong Education and International Development, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London, UK
CREATE role: Speaker: Dr Pat Pridmore. Discussant: Prof. Sylvia Tilford. Subject: The Impact of Health on Education: A Review of Research for the Consortium of Research on Education Access and Transitions in Education (CREATE).
Details / more information: Click here for powerpoint Summary of presentation -
Date: 11-14 Dec 2006
Event: Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers, Cape Town, South Africa
CREATE role: CREATE Presentations at the Ministers and Stakeholders Conference
Details / more information: Conference link and CREATE papers -
Date: 28 Nov -1 Dec 2006
Event: Kenton & EASA Conferences, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
CREATE role: Provisional book launch (Professor Keith Lewin and Dr Y Sayed)
Details / more information: Conference link -
Date: 26-28 Nov 2006
Event: SACHES (South African Comparative and History of Education Society) Annual Conference, Western Cape, South Africa
CREATE role: CREATE presence -
Date: 20 – 27 Nov 2006
Event: CREATE team workshop and PICS meeting, NUEPA Delhi India
CREATE role: Representatives from CREATE partner institutes
Details / more information: Click here for further information -
Date: 16-19 Oct 2006
Event: The African Conference on Basic/Primary Education. University of Botswana, Garabone
CREATE role: Speaker: Veerle Dieltiens. Presentation title: Inching along: educational survival in South Africa
Details / more information: Copy of Paper 1 (Paul Kgobe) -
Date: 18 Oct 2006
Event: School of Lifelong Education and International Development (LEID) Seminar, Institute of Education, University of London
CREATE role: Speakers: Moses Oketch and Caine Rollestone
Presentation title : Free Primary and Secondary Education Policies in the East African Region: A retrospect and prospect
Details / more information: Presentation -
Date: 2 Nov 2006
Event: Centre for International Education (CIE) Seminar, University of Sussex, UK
CREATE role: Speaker: Professor Keith Lewin Presentation title: CREATE -
Date: 19-21 Sept 2006
Event: Development Bank of South Africa: Investment Choices for Education in Africa
CREATE role: Speaker: Professor Keith Lewin
Presentation title: Why Some EFA and Millennium Development Goals Will Not Be Met: Difficulties with Goals and Targets
Details / more information: Copy of paper -
Date: 14-15 Sept 2006
Event: Consortium Advisory Group Meeting, Centre for International Education (CIE), University of Sussex, UK
CREATE role: Consortium Advisory Group Meeting -
Date: 8-10 Sept 2006
Event: British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE) Conference, Queens University, Northern Ireland
CREATE role: Presidential Address by Professor Keith M Lewin
Details / more information: BAICE -
Date: 26 April 2006
Event: CREATE launch, UEW, Ghana
CREATE role: CREATE Ghana launch
Details / more information: Launch summary -
Date: 14-18 March 2006
Event: Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Conference, Hawaii
CREATE role: Speaker: Professor Keith Lewin.
Presentation title: Why Some Millennium Development Goals will not be Met: Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa.
And South Asia Presentation title: Panacea or Problem? Does the Private Sector have a Role in Contributing to the Achievement of Education for All?
Details / more information: Presentation summaries -
Date: 16 Feb 2006
Event: CREATE launch, Wits EPU, South Africa
CREATE role: CREATE South Africa launch -
Date: 19 Jan 2006
Event: CREATE launch, BRAC Centre, Bangladesh
CREATE role: CREATE Bangladesh launch -
Date: 13 Jan 2006
Event: CREATE launch, NUEPA, India
CREATE role: CREATE India launch -
Date: 1 Dec 2005
Event: CREATE launch, Centre for International Education (CIE), University of Sussex
CREATE role: CREATE UK launch - International Labour Organisation (ILO)
- International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
- World Bank
- Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
- Danida
- Finnish International Development Co-operation (FINNIDA)
- Department for International Education (DFID)
- Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (NORAD)
- Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
- British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE)
- Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
- Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC)
- Comparative Education Society in Europe
- World Council of Comparative Educational Societies (WCCES)
- African Journals Online
- Australian Development Gateway
- Canadian Virtual Library of International Development
- Education-Line
- Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC)
- Eldis
- Experience Development
- id21 Education
- Norrag
- Research 4 Development (DFID-funded research)
- UNESCO Education Publications
- UNESCO News Alert
- Centre for International Education
- Centre for Research on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty
- Centre on Citizenship, Participation and Accountability
- Childhood Poverty Research and Policy Centre
- Chronic Poverty Research Centre
- Implementing Education Quality in Low Income Countries
- RECOUP: Research Consortium of Educational Outcomes and Poverty
- National Council of Educational Research and Training, India
- UNICEF-Innocenti Research Centre
- Education Policy and Data Centre
- Global Education Database
- IBE/UNESCO, Country dossiers on Education
- Millennium Development Goals
- OECD Education Database
- Population Reference Bureau, Education
- UNESCO Institute for Statistics
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- World Bank - EdStats
- World Education Forum
- African Symposium
- Community Development Journal
- Comparative Education
- Compare
- Comparative Education Review
- Gender and Education
- Harvard Educational Review
- International Journal of Educational Development
- Journal of Development Studies
- Prospects: Quarterly review of comparative education
- Race, ethnicity and education
- World Development
- Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE)
- EFA Global Monitoring Reports
- Education for All, National Reports on the Development of Education
- Education for All, UNESCO
- EFA Fast Track Initiative (FTI)
- EFA 2000 Assessment
- FTI calendar
- Global Campaign for Education
- Universal Primary Education, Commonwealth Secretariat
- World Conference on Education for all, Jomtien, Thailand
- World Education Forum, Dakar, Senegal
- Child Nutrition and Food Security During Armed Conflicts
- Children and Armed Conflict Unit
- CRIN: armed conflict
- Children and Armed Conflict Unit: Education
- Forced Migration Online
- Global Information Networks in Education
- IIEP: Education in Emergencies and Reconstruction
- Impact of Armed Conflict on Children
- Inter-Agency Network for Education Emergencies
- International Rescue Committee
- UNESCO: Curriculum Change and Social Cohesion in Conflict Affected Societies
- Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED)
- Gender and Education for All
- Gender Equality and the MDGs
- Gender Violence in Schools
- National girls education initiative calendar
- UNICEF, Girls Education
- African Index Medicus
- Child Nutrition and Food Security During Arm Conflicts
- Eldis Nutrition
- Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
- International Food Policy Research Institute
- Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Services (LILACS)
- SCN Working Group on Nutrition of School Age Children
- WHO Library and Information Network
- World Food Programme
- World Health Organisation (WHO)
- School Health and HIV/AIDS, World Bank
- Aids Alliance Education
- Education and HIV/AIDS: Ensuring Education Access for Orphans and Vulnerable Children
- Girls, HIV/AIDS and Education
- HIV/AIDS Impact on Education Clearinghouse
- IIEP: HIV/AIDS and Education
- School Health and HIV/AIDS, World Bank
- Amnesty International
- Children and Armed Conflict Unit: Child Soldiers
- Child Soldiers Org
- Child Soldiers Resources
- Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers
- Human Rights Watch
- Impact of Armed Conflict on Children
- IRIN: Child Soldiers
- Refugees International
- Save the Children
- School Health and HIV/AIDS, World Bank
- UNESCO: Children and Armed Conflict
- Economics of Education, World Bank
- Mobilizing the Private Sector for Public Education, Conference Papers
- School Fee Abolition Initiative
- International Review of Curriculum and Assessment Frameworks Internet Archive
- National Centre for Education Statistics
- TIMSS and PIRLS studies
- Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education
- Children's Rights Information Network
- Disability DK
- Disability Knowledge and Research Programme
- Disability World
- Disabled Peoples' International
- EFA and the right to education for persons with disabilities (UNESCO)
- Enabling Education Network
- inclusion.Com
- Inclusion International
- International Disability and Development Consortium
- Source: Disability, Inclusion and Development
- UNESCO Inclusive Education
- United Nations Enable
- World Federation of the Deaf-Blind
- World Institute on Disability
- Asia against Child Trafficking
- Children's Rights
- Children's Rights Information Network
- End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes' (ECPAT)
- Terre des Hommes
- UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Secondary Education in Africa (SEIA)
- UNESCO: Secondary Education
- World Bank: Secondary Education
- Action Aid: Non formal education
- ADEA: Working group on non formal education
- Non-state provision of basic services
- Private participation in Education
- Private Schools Serving the Educational Needs of the Poor: A Global Research and Dissemination Project
- UNESCO: Exchange platform on non formal education
- UNICEF: Evaluation of non-formal education
- Anti-Slavery
- Basic Education and Policy Support Activity
- Child Workers Asia
- Global March against Child Labour
- Global Task Force on Child Labour and Education
- Human Rights Watch: Child Labour
- ILO: Child Labour
- ILO: Child Labour and Education
- International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)
- International Research on Working Children (IREWOC)
- IPEC-ILO Subregional information system on child labour
- One World: Child Labour
- Programme for the Education of Children in Difficult Circumstances
- Save the Children: Child Labour
- Understanding Children's Work (UCW)
- UNICEF: Child labour
- World Bank: Child labor
- End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes' (ECPAT)
- Development Education Programme for Daughters and Communities
- MAITI Nepal
International Organisations
In this section, you will find links to international organisations with links to on issues around educational access.
Bilateral Agencies
In this section, you will find links to governmental organisations working on issues of educational access. These links include bilateral agencies.
Departments of Education
In this section, you will find links to governmental organisations working on issues of educational access. These links include bilateral agencies.
Non-Government Organisations and Research Institutes
In this section, you will find links to key NGOs, independent institutes, educational associations and forums around the world conducting research, policy analysis and advocacy on issues around educational access.
Educational Associations
In this section, you will find links to educational associations and forums around the world conducting research, policy analysis and advocacy on issues around educational access.
Online Libraries and Research Portals
This section gives links to a number of online documentation centres, research dissemination sites and libraries which allow you to search for access-related documents and either download them directly or find out how to obtain them.
Research Centres
In this section, you will find our recommended links to other university-based centres around the world conducting research which are around or potentially linked to issues of education, especially as they relate to access and retention in developing countries.
Educational Statistics, Policy Documentation and International Targets
In this section, you will find links to different types of online data around educational access. This includes statistics data and policy links.
This section lists the main academic and other journals on issues around educational access and provides links to websites where you can subscribe, download or order back copies.
Educational Access Research Themes
Education for All
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Education for All.
Education in Fragile States
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Education in Fragile States.
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of gender and educational access.
Health and Nutrition
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of health, nutrition and educational access.
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of HIV/AIDS and educational access.
Child Soldiers
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of child solders in the context of educational access.
Race and Ethnicity
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of child solders in the context of educational access.
Economics of Education and Educational Financing
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of economics of education and educational financing.
Education Statistics
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of education statistics.
Disability and Education Themes
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of disability and education.
Children's Rights
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of children's rights.
Secondary Education
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of secondary education.
Non-state Providers
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Non-state Providers.
Early Childhood Development
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Early Childhood Development.
Child Labour
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Child Labour.
Child Trafficking and Child Prostitution
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Child Trafficking and Child Prostitution.
Street Children
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Street Children.
Teaching and Learning
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Teaching and Learning.