CREATE is a partnership between education and development institutions in the UK, South Asia and Sub Saharan Africa led by the Centre for International Education, University of Sussex.
CREATE partners are located in countries which DFID has had a strong interest in supporting the development of basic education and in the UK with institutions specialising in educational development internationally. Each CREATE partner institution convened a National Reference Group to guide and review its work. Click on the links below to find out more about the partners.

The Centre for International Education, University of Sussex, UK
Director of CREATE: Professor Keith M. Lewin
The Centre for Intenational Education (CIE) coordinates work on education and development at Sussex within the Department of Education. It supports postgraduate programmes and research degrees on education and development and maintains an extensive programme of funded research for development agencies and national governments. CREATE is coordinated from the CIE.

Institute of Education Development, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Partner Institution Coordinator: Dr Manzoor Ahmed, Senior Advisor, IED-BRAC
The IED is part of the BRAC university, is developing graduate and research capacity, and works closely with the Research and Evaluation Division of BRAC. It can draw on 30 researchers and produces the annual independent Education Watch studies using large scale data sets which it collects and manages.
Communications: Altaf Hossein

NUEPA, The National University of Educational Planning and Administration, Delhi, India
Partner Institution Coordinator: Professor R. Govinda, Head, Department of School and Non Formal Education, NUEPA
NUEPA Delhi is a mandated national institution which conducts large scale research, holds extensive all India data sets, provides support and training to State governments, co-ordinates an extensive information network, and is close to policy makers at all levels. NUEPA includes units working on planning, finance, administration, policy, NFE and decentralisation in basic education.
Communications: Madhumita Bandyopadhyay

The Education Policy Unit at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Partner Institution Coordinator Dr Shireen Motala, University of Johannesburg
EPU members undertake research and consultancy for National and Provincial governments, have access to the research and training resources of WITS university, and are directly involved with South African policy on Education for All. CREATE is based in the WITS EPU which enjoys close links with government and other research groups that work on education in South Africa.
Communications : Veerle Dieltiens

The University of Education at Winneba, Ghana
Partner Institution Coordinator: Prof. Jerome Djangmah
Winneba is a new university with a specific focus on educational development. It houses a Centre for Development Policy Studies and has been associated with several international studies including TIMMS and the IEQ. It is developing graduate programmes and its research capacity, and is directly involved in teacher education, in-service training, and basic education expansion. Winneba and Sussex have been involved in the African Forum for Children’s Literacy in Science.

UCC, Ghana The University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Partner Institution Coordinator Dr Joseph Ghartey Ampiah
Cape Coast is an established university with a specific focus on education and development. It is associated with the Centre for Research on Improving Primary Education Quality in Ghana (CRIPEQ). CRIPEQ is working with CRIBE on the Ghana CREATE programme. Formerly the Institute of Education at Cape Coast was in partnership with Sussex for the MUSTER research on teacher education.
Communications: Chris Kwaa

University College London, Institute of Education, UK
Partner Institution Coordinator: Professor Angela Little, Professor of Education in Developing Countries
The Institute is a world class centre of excellence for research in education and related social sciences. It houses over 20 UK national research centres, has an extensive international programme of research and teaching, a large network of associated institutions, and has graduated over 350 Doctoral students researching in developing countries since 1960. Institute staff are involved in a wide range of research and development projects related to Education for All and have participated in the preparation and follow up to Jomtien and Dakar.