CREATE Outputs by Author
- Acedo, C., (2010) Expanding access to education with equity in South Asia, Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3, ‘Universal primary education in South Asia: A right that remains elusive’ edited by R. Govinda and Manzoor Ahmed
- Ahmed, M. and Hossain, A., (2008) ‘Educational Access in Bangladesh’, Country Policy Brief, 2008. Dhaka/Brighton: BU-IED/ University of Sussex
- Ahmed, M. and Hossain, A., (2010) ‘Educational Access in Bangladesh’, Country research Summary. Dhaka/Brighton: BU-IED/ University of Sussex.
- Ahmed, M., (2011a) The Sector-wide Approach in Bangladesh Primary Education: A Critical View, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 57. Dhaka: BRAC.
- Ahmed, M., (2011b) Applying a Workable Education SWAP in Bangladesh, CREATE Bangladesh Policy Brief No. 4, Dhaka, BU-IED
- Ahmed, M., (2011c), Diverse Providers of Primary Education in Bangladesh, CREATE Bangladesh Policy Brief No. 3, Dhaka, BU-IED
- Ahmed, M., Ahmed, K. S., Khan, N. I. and Ahmed, R., (2007) Access to Education in Bangladesh: Country Analytic Review of Primary and Secondary School. CREATE Country Analytic Review. Dhaka/Brighton: BU-IED/ University of Sussex
- Ahmed, M., and Govinda, R., (2010) Introduction, Universal primary education in South Asia: A right that remains elusive, Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3, ‘Universal primary education in South Asia: A right that remains elusive’ edited by R. Govinda and Manzoor Ahmed
- Akaguri, L., (2010) Public and Private Schooling in Rural Ghana: Are the Poor Being Served?, CREATE Ghana Policy Brief No. 3, Brighton, University of Sussex
- Akyeampong, K., (2009) Revisiting Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) in Ghana, Comparative Education Special Issue (2009) Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 45 (2)
- Akyeampong, K., (2010) 50 Years of Educational Progress and Challenge in Ghana. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 33. Brighton: University of Sussex.
- Akyeampong, K., Djangmah, J., Seidu, A., Oduro, A. and Hunt, F., (2007) Access to Basic Education in Ghana: The Evidence and the Issues. CREATE Country Analytic Review. Winneba/ Brighton: The University of Education at Winneba/ University of Sussex
- Akyeampong, K., Djangmah, J., Seidu, A., Oduro, A. and Hunt, F., (2008) Educational Access in Ghana, Country Policy Brief, 2008, Winneba/ Brighton: The University of Education at Winneba/ University of Sussex
- Alexander, R., (2008) EFA, the Quality Imperative and the Problem of Pedagogy. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 20. London: Institute of Education
- Alhassan, S. and Adzahlie-Mensah, V., (2010) Teachers and Access to Schooling in Ghana. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 43. Winneba/Brighton: University of Education, Winneba/University of Sussex
- Al-Samarrai, S., (2007) Financing Basic Education in Bangladesh. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 12. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Ampiah, J. G. and Adu-Yeboah, C., (2009) Mapping the incidence of school dropouts: a case study of communities in Northern Ghana, Comparative Education Special Issue (2009) Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 45 (2)
- Ampiah, J. G., and Adu Yeboah, C., (2011) Understanding the social and economic lives of never enrolled children: a case study of communities in Northern and Southern Ghana, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No 66, Brighton and Cape Coast: University of Sussex and University of Cape Coast
- Ananga, E. (2011a) Typology of School Dropout: the dimensions and dynamics of dropout in Ghana, Special Edition of the International Journal and Educational Development (IJED) Access, Equity and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries Edited by Keith M. Lewin, Angela W. Little and Frances Hunt
- Ananga, E. (2011b) Dropping Out of School in Southern Ghana: The Push-out and Pull-out Factors, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 55. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Ananga, E., (2010) Typologies of Drop Out in Southern Ghana, CREATE Ghana Policy Brief No. 1, Brighton, University of Sussex
- Arkoful, K., (2010) Complementary Education and Access to Primary Schooling in Northern Ghana, CREATE Ghana Policy Brief No. 2, Brighton, University of Sussex
- Aturupane, H., (2009) The Pearl of Great Price: achieving equitable access to primary and secondary education and enhancing learning in Sri Lanka. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 29. London: Institute of Education
- Bandyopadhyay, M. and Subrahmanian, R., (2008) Gender Equity in Education: A Review of Trends and Factors. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 18. Delhi/Brighton: NUEPA/University of Sussex
- Bandyopadhyay, M., and Behera, J., (2010) Pre Primary Education in India, CREATE India Policy Brief No. 1, Delhi, NUEPA
- Bandyopadhyay, M., and Dey, M., (2011) Effective School Management Committees, CREATE India Policy Brief No. 4, Delhi, NUEPA
- Bandyopadhyay, M., Das, D. and Zeitlyn, B., (2011) Absenteeism, Repetition and Silent Exclusion in India, CREATE India Policy Brief No. 3, Delhi, NUEPA
- Bandyopadhyay, M., Umabati, S., and Zeitlyn, B., (2011) Teachers and Teaching in India, CREATE India Policy Brief No. 5, Delhi, NUEPA
- Bermingham, D., (2011a) The Politics of Global Education Policy: the formation of the Education for All Fast Track Initiative, Journal of Education Policy, Special Issue: Access to Basic Education in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia Policies, Politics and Progress, edited by Angela W. Little and Keith M. Lewin
- Bermingham, D., (2011b) EFA and the FTI in Rwanda and Ethiopia, CREATE Pathways To Access Research Monograph No 67, Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions and Equity, Institute of Education, London
- Biswal, K Secondary Education in India: Development Policies, Programmes and Challenges. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 63. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Bloch, G., (2009) The Education Roadmap in South Africa, CREATE South Africa Policy Brief No. 2, Johannesburg/Brighton: University of the Witwatersrand EPU/ University of Sussex
- Blum, N., (2009) Small NGO schools in India: implications for access and innovation. Compare. Vol. 39 (2)
- Blum, N. and Diwan, R., (2007) Small, Multigrade Schools and Increasing Access to Primary Education in India: National Context and NGO Initiatives. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 17. Delhi/London: NUEPA/ Institute of Education
- Boakye Yiadom, L., (2011) Basic Education and Issues of Costs, Access, and Equity: Evidence from Ghana (1991 – 2006) CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 65. University of Sussex, Brighton
- Buckland, S., (2011) From Policy to Practice: The challenges to Educational Access for non-Nationals in South Africa, Special Edition of the International Journal and Educational Development (IJED) Access, Equity and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries Edited by Keith M. Lewin, Angela W. Little and Frances Hunt
- Buxton, C., (2011) The Relationship between malnutrition and educational achievement among school children in Ghana, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph, Brighton and Cape Coast: University of Sussex and University of Cape Coast
- Cameron, S., (2010a) Access to and Exclusion from Primary Education in Slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 45. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Cameron, S., (2010b), Education for the Urban Poor in Bangladesh, CREATE Bangladesh Policy Brief No. 1, Brighton, University of Sussex
- Cameron, S., (2011) Whether and where to enroll? Choosing a primary school in the slums of urban Dhaka, Bangladesh, Special Edition of the International Journal and Educational Development (IJED) Access, Equity and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries Edited by Keith M. Lewin, Angela W. Little and Frances Hunt
- Chimombo, J., (2009) Changing patterns of access to basic education in Malawi: a story of a mixed bag? Comparative Education Special Issue (2009) Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 45 (2)
- Croft, A., (2010) Including Disabled Children in Learning: Challenges in Developing Countries. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 36. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Diwan, R., (2011) Exploring Small Schools in Multiple Contexts: A Review of Emerging Concerns in India, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph, Delhi/Brighton: NUEPA/University of Sussex
- Djangmah, J. S., (2011) Inequitable Access to Basic education in Ghana: The Way Forward for FCUBE, CREATE Working paper No. 2. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Dunne, M., Akyeampong, K. and Humphreys, S., (2007) School Processes, Local Governance and Community Participation: Understanding Access. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 6. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Dunne, M., Bosumtwi, S., Sabates, R. and Owusu, A., (2010) Bullying and School Attendance: A Case Study of Senior High School Students in Ghana. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 41. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Essuman, A. and Akyeampong, K., (2011) Decentralisation Policy in Practice in Ghana: the promise and reality of community participation in education in two rural communities, Journal of Education Policy, Special Issue: Access to Basic Education in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia Policies, Politics and Progress, edited by Angela W. Little and Keith M. Lewin
- Fleisch, B., Shindler, J and Perry, H., (2010) Who is out of school? Evidence from the Community Survey 2007, South Africa, International Journal of Educational Development
- Fleish, B. and Shindler, J., (2009a) School participation from ‘Birth-to-Twenty’: Patterns of schooling in an urban child cohort study in South Africa. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 27. Johannesburg/ Brighton: Wits EPU/ University of Sussex
- Fleisch, B. and Shindler, J., (2009b) Gender repetition: school access, transitions and equity in the ‘Birth-to-Twenty’ cohort panel study in urban South Africa, Comparative Education Special Issue (2009) Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 45 (2)
- Giani, L., (2006) Migration and Education: Child Migrants in Bangladesh, Sussex Migration Working Paper no. 33, University of Sussex, Sussex Centre for Migration Research
- Giffard-Lindsay, K., (2007) Inclusive Education in India: Interpretation, Implementation, and Issues. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 15. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Gilmour, D. and Soudien, C., (2009) Learning and equitable access in the Western Cape, South Africa, Comparative Education Special Issue (2009) Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 45 (2)
- Ginsburg, C., Richter, L. M., Fleisch, B. and Norris, S. A., (2010) An-analysis-of-associations between residential and school mobility and educational outcomes in South African urban children: The Birth to Twenty cohort
- Govinda, R. and Bandyopadhyay, M., (2008) Access to Elementary Education in India: Country Analytical Review. CREATE Country Analytic Review. Delhi/Brighton: NUEPA/ University of Sussex
- Govinda, R. and Bandyopadhyay, M., (2009a) Changing Framework of Local Governance and Community Participation in Elementary Education. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 35. Delhi/Brighton: NUEPA/University of Sussex
- Govinda, R. and Bandyopadhyay, M., (2009b) Educational Access in India, Country Policy Brief, 2008, Delhi/Brighton: NUEPA/ University of Sussex
- Govinda, R., and Bandyopadhyay, M., (2010a) Educational Access in India, Country Research Summary, Delhi/Brighton: NUEPA/ University of Sussex
- Govinda, R., and Bandyopadhyay, M., (2010b) Social exclusion and school participation in India: Expanding access with equity, Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3, ‘Universal primary education in South Asia: A right that remains elusive’ edited by R. Govinda and Manzoor Ahmed
- Govinda, R. and Bandyopadhyay, M., (2011) Overcoming Exclusion through School Quality, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No 65 Delhi/Brighton: NUEPA/University of Sussex
- Hadley, S., (2009) Seasonality and Access to Education: the case of primary education in sub-Saharan Africa. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 31. London: Institute of Education
- Härmä, J., (2010) School choice for the poor? The limits of marketisation of primary education in rural India. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 23. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Härmä, J, (2011) Low Cost Private schooling in India: is it pro poor and equitable? Special Edition of the International Journal and Educational Development (IJED) Access, Equity and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries Edited by Keith M. Lewin, Angela W. Little and Frances Hunt
- Härmä, J., and Zeitlyn, B., (2011) The Limits of Marketisation of Primary Education in India, CREATE India Policy Brief No. 2, Brighton, University of Sussex
- Heissler, K., (2008) Children’s migration for work in Bangladesh: The extra- and intra-household factors that shape ‘choice’ and ‘decision-making’, Childhoods Today, Vol. 2, Issue 1
- Hoppers, W., (2011) The Politics of Diversifying Basic Education Delivery: a comparative analysis from East Africa, Journal of Education Policy, Special Issue: Access to Basic Education in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia Policies, Politics and Progress, edited by Angela W. Little and Keith M. Lewin
- Hossain, A., (2010) Age in Grade Congruence and Progression in Basic Education in Bangladesh. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 48. Dhaka/Brighton: BRAC/University of Sussex
- Hossain, A. and Zeitlyn, B., (2010), Poverty and Equity: Access to Education in Bangladesh, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 51. Dhaka/Brighton: BRAC/University of Sussex
- Hunt, F., (2008) Dropping Out from School: A Cross Country Review of the Literature. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 16. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Hunt, F. and Lewin K. M., (2009) Dropping out from School, CREATE Policy Brief No 8, Brighton, University of Sussex
- Jaffer, K., (2010) School inspection and supervision in Pakistan: Approaches and issues, Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3, ‘Universal primary education in South Asia: A right that remains elusive’ edited by R. Govinda and Manzoor Ahmed
- Juneja, N., (2010) Access to What? Access, Diversity & Participation in India’s schools. Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 32. Delhi/Brighton: NUEPA/University of Sussex
- Kumar, V. J., (2010) Access and Activity Based Learning - A Transition in Tamil Nadu, Date: 29 June 2010 Public lecture, LIDC, London, UK
- Lafon, M., (2009) The Impact of Language Issues on Educational Access in South Africa. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 24. Johannesburg/ Brighton: Wits EPU/ University of Sussex
- Lall, M., (2007) A Review of Concepts from Policy Studies Relevant to the Analysis of EFA in Developing Countries. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 11. London: Institute of Education
- Laugharn, P., (2007) Negotiating Education for Many: Enrolment, Dropout and Persistence in the Community Schools of Kolondieba, Mali. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 14. London: Institute of Education
- Letatsi, S., (2011) Arriving at the Chalk Face: A Day in the Life in Ekurhuleni Schools’ in Motala, S., Dieltens, V., and Sayed, Y., (eds.) (2011) Finding Place and Keeping Pace, Exploring Meaningful and Equitable Access in South African Schools, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
- Lewin, K. M., (2007a) Improving Access, Equity and Transitions in Education: Creating a Research Agenda. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 1. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Lewin, K. M., (2007b) Expanding Access to Secondary Schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa: Key Planning and Finance Issues. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 8. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Lewin, K. M., (2007c) Why some Education for All and millennium development goals will not be met: Difficulties with goals and targets. Southern African Review of Education. Vol. 13 (2)
- Lewin, K. M., (2007d) Long Term Planning for EFA and the MDGs: Modes and Mechanisms. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 7. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Lewin, K. M., (2007e) The Limits to Growth of Non-Government Private Schooling in Sub Saharan Africa. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 5. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Lewin, K. M., (2008a) Reconceptualising Access to Education, CREATE Policy Brief No 1, Brighton, University of Sussex
- Lewin, K. M., (2008b) Policy Brief No 2: Access, Age and Grade, CREATE Policy Brief No 2, Brighton, University of Sussex
- Lewin, K. M., (2009) Access to education in sub-Saharan Africa: patterns, problems and possibilities Comparative Education Special Issue (2009) Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 45 (2)
- Lewin, K. M., (2011a) Target Setting and Target Getting in EFA Policy and in EFA Practice, Journal of Education Policy, Special Issue: Access to Basic Education in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia Policies, Politics and Progress, edited by Angela W. Little and Keith M. Lewin
- Lewin, K. M., (2011b) Beyond Universal Access to Elementary Education in India: Is it Achievable at Affordable Costs? CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 53. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Lewin, K. M., (2011c) Expanding Access to Secondary Education: Can India Catch Up? Special Edition of the International Journal and Educational Development (IJED) Access, Equity and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries Edited by Keith M. Lewin, Angela W. Little and Frances Hunt
- Lewin, K. M., (2011d) Taking Targets to Task Revisited: How Indicators of Progress on Access to Education can Mislead, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 54. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Lewin, K. M. and Akyeampong, K., (2009) Education in sub-Saharan Africa: researching access, transitions and equity (editorial), Comparative Education Special Issue (2009) Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 45 (2)
- Lewin, K. M. and Sabates, R., (2011) Changing Patterns of Access to Education in Anglophone and Francophone Countries in Sub Saharan Africa: Is Education for All Pro-Poor? CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 52. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Lewin, K .M, Wang Lu, with Luo Yuan, Zhou Wei-tao,Wang Tian-tian and Wang Ying Jie, Qu Heng Chang Education and Change in Rich, Poor and National Minority Areas in China: Two Decades of Transition . CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 61,. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Little, A. W., (2008a) EFA Politics, Policies and Progress. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 13. London: Institute of Education
- Little, A. W., (2008b) Size Matters for EFA. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 26. London: Institute of Education
- Little, A. W., (2010a) Access to Basic Education in Ghana: politics, policies and progress. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 42. London: Institute of Education
- Little, A. W., (2010b) Access to Elementary Education in India: Politics, Policies and Progress. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 44. London: Institute of Education
- Little, A. W., (2010c) The Politics, Policies and Progress of Basic Education in Sri Lanka. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 38. London: Institute of Education
- Little, A. W., (2011) Education Policy Reform in Sri Lanka: the double-edged sword of political will, Journal of Education Policy, Special Issue: Access to Basic Education in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia Policies, Politics and Progress, edited by Angela W. Little and Keith M. Lewin
- Little, A. W. and Blum, N., (2008a) Increasing Access through Multigrade Teaching and Learning, CREATE Policy Brief No 5, Brighton, University of Sussex
- Little, A., W. and Blum, N. (2008b) Size Matters for EFA, CREATE Policy Brief No 4, Brighton, University of Sussex
- Little, A. W., Indika, U. and Rolleston, C., (2011) Access, Attendance and Achievement in rural schools in Sri Lanka, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph, Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions and Equity, Institute of Education, London
- Lohani, S., Balak Singh, R., and Lohani, J., (2010) Universal primary education in Nepal: Fulfilling the right to education, Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3, ‘Universal primary education in South Asia: A right that remains elusive’ edited by R. Govinda and Manzoor Ahmed
- Motala, S., (2009) Privatising public schooling in post-apartheid South Africa – equity considerations. Compare. Vol. 39 (2)
- Motala, S. and Dieltens, V., (2008b) Educational Access in South Africa, Country Policy Brief, 2008, Johannesburg/Brighton: University of the Witwatersrand EPU/ University of Sussex
- Motala, S. and Dieltens, V., (2010) Educational Access in South Africa, Country Research Summary, Johannesburg/Brighton: University of the Witwatersrand EPU/ University of Sussex
- Motala, S. and Dieltiens, V., (2008a) Caught in the ideological crossfire: private schooling in South Africa. Southern African Review of Education. Vol. 14 (3)
- Motala, S., and Sayed, Y., (2009) “No fee” schools in South Africa, CREATE South Africa Policy Brief No. 1, Johannesburg/Brighton: University of the Witwatersrand EPU/ University of Sussex
- Motala, S., Dieltiens, V. and Sayed, Y., (2009) Physical access to schooling in South Africa: mapping dropout, repetition and age-grade progression in two districts, Comparative Education Special Issue (2009) Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 45 (2)
- Motala, S., Dieltiens, V., Carrim, N., Kgobe, P., Moyo, G. and Rembe, S., (2007) Educational Access in South Africa: Country Analytic Report. CREATE Country Analytic Review. Johannesburg/Brighton: University of the Witwatersrand EPU/ University of Sussex
- Mwanza, A., (2011) Re-entry to school after giving birth: an evaluation of the process used to design and implement policy in Zambia, CREATE Pathways To Access Research Monograph, Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions and Equity, Institute of Education, London
- Obanya, P., (2011) Politics and the Dilemma of Meaningful Access to Education: The Nigerian Story, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 55. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Ohba, A., (2009) Does free secondary education enable the poor to gain access? A study from rural Kenya. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 21. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Ohba, A., (2011) The Abolition of Secondary School Fees in Kenya: Responses by the poor, Special Edition of the International Journal and Educational Development (IJED) Access, Equity and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries Edited by Keith M. Lewin, Angela W. Little and Frances Hunt
- Oketch, M. and Rolleston, C., (2007a) Policies on Free Primary and Secondary Education in East Africa. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 10. London: Institute of Education
- Oketch, M. and Rolleston, C., (2007b) Policies on Free Primary and Secondary Education in East Africa: Retrospect and Prospect. Review of Research in Education. Vol. 31
- Oketch, M. and Somerset, A., (2010) Free Primary Education and After in Kenya: Enrolment impact, quality effects, and the transition to secondary school. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 37. London: Institute of Education/University of Sussex
- Pereira, C., (2010) Access to Learning - Mathematics Performance in Schools in Gauteng and Eastern Cape, CREATE South Africa Policy Brief No. 3, Johannesburg/Brighton: University of the Witwatersrand EPU/ University of Sussex
- Pridmore, P., (2007) The Impact of Health on Education Access and Achievement: A Cross-National Review of the Research Evidence. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 2. London: Institute of Education
- Pridmore, P., and Hunt, F., (2008) Impact of Health in Education Access and Achievement, CREATE Policy Brief No 3, Brighton, University of Sussex
- Reddy, A. and Sinha S., (2010) School Dropouts or Pushouts? Overcoming Barriers for the Right to Education. Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 40. Delhi/Brighton: NUEPA/ University of Sussex
- Rolleston, C., (2009a) Human Capital, Poverty, Educational Access and Exclusion: The Case of Ghana 1991-2006. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 22. London: Institute of Education
- Rolleston, C., (2009b) The determination of exclusion: evidence from the Ghana Living Standards Surveys 1991–2006, Comparative Education Special Issue (2009) Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 45 (2)
- Rolleston, C., (2010) Fosterage and Educational Access Among the Dagomba of Savelugu-Nanton, Ghana, CREATE Ghana Policy Brief No. 5, London, Institute of Education
- Rolleston, C., (2011) Educational Access and Poverty Reduction: The Case of Ghana 1991-2006, Special Edition of the International Journal and Educational Development (IJED) Access, Equity and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries Edited by Keith M. Lewin, Angela W. Little and Frances Hunt
- Rolleston, C., Akyeampong, K. and Ampiah, J. G., (2011) Access to Basic Education in Ghana, a Synthesis of CREATE Research, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph, Brighton: University of Sussex
- Rolleston, C. and Oketch, M., (2008) Educational Expansion in Ghana: Economic Assumptions and Expectations. International Journal of Educational Development. Vol. 28
- Rolleston, C., Akyeampong, K., Ampiah, J., G. and Lewin, K. M. (2010) Educational Access in Ghana, Country Policy Brief, 2008, Cape Coast/ Brighton: The University of Cape Coast/ University of Sussex
- Rose, P., (2007a) NGO Provision of Basic Education: Alternative or Complementary Service Delivery to Support Access to the Excluded? CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 3. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Rose, P., (2007b) Supporting Non-state Providers in Basic Education Service Delivery. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 4. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Sabates, R., Hossain, A. and Lewin, K. M., (2010) School Drop Out in Bangladesh: New Insights from Longitudinal Evidence CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 48. Dhaka/Brighton: BRAC/University of Sussex
- Sabates, R. Westbrook, J., and Hernandez, J., (2011a) The 1977 Universal Primary Education in Tanzania: A historical base for quantitative enquiry, International Journal of Research & Method in Education
- Sabates, R. and Hernandez, J., (2011) The role of maternal education during educational expansion for children in Sub-Saharan Africa, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph, Brighton: University of Sussex
- Sabates, R., Westbrook, J. and Hernandez, J., (2011b) The 1977 Universal Primary Education Reform in Tanzania: A historical base for quantitative enquiry, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph, Brighton: University of Sussex
- Sabur, Z. and Ahmed, M., (2010a) Debating Diversity in Provision of Universal Primary Education in Bangladesh. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 34. Dhaka/Brighton: BRAC/University of Sussex
- Sabur, Z., and Ahmed, M., (2010b) Multiple providers and access to primary education: The case of Bangladesh, Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3, ‘Universal primary education in South Asia: A right that remains elusive’ edited by R. Govinda and Manzoor Ahmed
- Sedwal, M. and Kamat, S., (2008) Education and Social Equity: With a Special Focus on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Elementary Education. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 19. Delhi/Brighton: NUEPA/University of Sussex
- Sen, A., (2010) Primary schooling in West Bengal, Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3, ‘Universal primary education in South Asia: A right that remains elusive’ edited by R. Govinda and Manzoor Ahmed
- Sharma, A., (2011) South Asian Nomads - A Literature Review, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 58. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Shindler, J., (2010) Characteristics of Out-of-School Children of Compulsory School Age in South Africa: What the Community Survey 2007 shows, CREATE Working Paper 1, University of Sussex, Brighton
- Siddhu, G., (2011) Who makes it to secondary school? Determinants of transition to secondary schools in rural India, Special Edition of the International Journal and Educational Development (IJED) Access, Equity and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries Edited by Keith M. Lewin, Angela W. Little and Frances Hunt
- Siddhu, G., (2010) Can Families in Rural India Bear the Additional Burden of Secondary Education? Investigating the Determinants of Transition, CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 50. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Smita, (2008) Distress Seasonal Migration and its Impact on Children’s Education in India. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 28. Delhi/Brighton: NUEPA/ University of Sussex
- Somerset, A., (2007) A Preliminary Note on Kenya Primary School Enrolment Trends over Four Decades. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 9. Brighton: University of Sussex
- Somerset, A., (2009) Universalising primary education in Kenya: the elusive goal, Comparative Education Special Issue (2009) Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 45 (2)
- Somerset, A., (2011) Access, Cost and Quality: tensions among three goals in the development of primary education in Kenya, Journal of Education Policy, Special Issue: Access to Basic Education in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia Policies, Politics and Progress, edited by Angela W. Little and Keith M. Lewin
- Sood, N., (2009) The Impact of Malnutrition on Cognition and the Education of Children in India: A Review of Research Evidence. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 25. Delhi/Brighton: NUEPA/University of Sussex
- Taylor, N, Mabogoane, T, Shindler, J and Akoobhai, B., (2010) Seeds of Their Struggle: The Features of Under- and Overage Enrolment Among Grade 4 Learners in South Africa. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 47. Johannesburg/ Brighton: Wits EPU/ University of Sussex
- Turrent, V., (2009) Expanding Support for Education in Fragile States: what role for Fast Track Initiative? CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 30. London: Institute of Education
- Turrent, V., (2011) Financing Access and Participation in Primary Education: Is there a ‘Fast-Track’ for Fragile States? Special Edition of the International Journal and Educational Development (IJED) Access, Equity and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries Edited by Keith M. Lewin, Angela W. Little and Frances Hunt
- Wang, X. G., (2010) Girls’ Access to Education in China: Actors, Cultures and the Windmill of Development Management. CREATE Pathways to Access Research Monograph No. 39. London: Institute of Education
- Ward, M., (2011) Aid to Education: the case of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in India and the role of development partners, Journal of Education Policy, Special Issue: Access to Basic Education in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia Policies, Politics and Progress, edited by Angela W. Little and Keith M. Lewin
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