Annual Conference of the Society at Zheijang University, China, 2010

Keith Lewin was invited by the Comparative Education Society of China to celebrate the 100th Birthday of Professor Wang Chengxu and to give an appreciation in plenary of his lifetime contribution to the field of study. This took place at the annual conference of the society at Zheijang University with over 1,000 delegates. Professor Wang visited Sussex in 1983 and subsequently was Keith's collaborator on the long standing academic link with Hangzhou University set up after the fall of the Gang of Four at the beginning of the Open Door policy. Six students gained PhDs under the link and seven faculty took part in this collaborative programme, and a book, many articles and a series of research monographs were produced. One of our alumni is now a Provincial Vice President and he remembers his time at Sussex with great affection. Others include a Director of a UNESCO institute, the Dean of Education, and the Director of the Foreign Language Academy.