Publications - Journal Articles
Four special editions of international education journals feature CREATE research. A special edition of Comparative Education (Vol. 45, No, 2) came out in 2009. A special edition of Prospects (Vol. 40, No. 3) came out in 2010. In 2011 CREATE special editions of the International Journal of Educational Development (IJED) (Vol. 31 No. 4) and the Journal of Education Policy have also been published. CREATE researchers have also published widely in other journals, these publication are listed below. Journal articles are available through Higher Education institution library systems, from Researchgate, and by typing author and title into Google search.
- Special Edition Journal: Access to Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
Comparative Education, Vol. 45, no.2
Author(s): Keith Lewin and Kwame Akyeampong (eds.)
Date: 2009 - Education in sub-Saharan Africa: researching access, transitions and equity
Comparative Education, Vol. 45, no.2
Author(s): Keith Lewin and Kwame Akyeampong: (editorial)
Date: 2009 - Access to education in sub-Saharan Africa: patterns, problems and possibilities
Comparative Education, Vol. 45, no.2
Author(s): Keith Lewin
Date: 2009 - Revisiting Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) in Ghana
Comparative Education, Vol. 45, no.2
Author(s): Kwame Akyeampong
Date: 2009 - The determination of exclusion: evidence from the Ghana Living Standards Surveys 1991–2006
Comparative Education, Vol. 45, no.2
Author(s): Caine Rolleston
Date: 2009 - Mapping the incidence of school dropouts: a case study of communities in Northern Ghana
Comparative Education, Vol. 45, no.2
Author(s): Joseph Ghartey Ampiah and Christine Adu-Yeboah
Date: 2009 - Universalising primary education in Kenya: the elusive goal
Comparative Education, Vol. 45, no.2
Author(s): Anthony Somerset
Date: 2009 - Physical access to schooling in South Africa: mapping dropout, repetition and age-grade progression in two districts
Comparative Education, Vol. 45, no.2
Author(s): Shireen Motala, Veerle Dieltiens and Yusuf Sayed
Date: 2009 - Gender repetition: school access, transitions and equity in the ‘Birth-to-Twenty’ cohort panel study in urban South Africa
Comparative Education, Vol. 45, no.2
Author(s): Brahm Fleisch and Jennifer Shindler
Date: 2009 - Learning and equitable access in the Western Cape, South Africa
Comparative Education, Vol. 45, no.2
Author(s): David Gilmour and Crain Soudien
Date: 2009 - Changing patterns of access to basic education in Malawi: a story of a mixed bag?
Comparative Education, Vol. 45, no.2
Author(s): Joseph Chimombo
Date: 2009
- Expanding access to education with equity in South Asia
Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3
Author(s): Clementina Acedo
Date: 2010
- Primary schooling in West Bengal
Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3
Author(s): Amartya Sen
Date: 2010
- Introduction, Universal primary education in South Asia: A right that remains elusive
Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3
Author(s): Manzoor Ahmed and R. Govinda
Date: 2010 - Social exclusion and school participation in India: Expanding access with equity
Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3
Author(s): Rangachar Govinda and Madhumita Bandyopadhyay
Date: 2010
- Universal primary education in Nepal: Fulfilling the right to education
Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3
Author(s): Shiva Lohani, Ram Balak Singh and Jeevan Lohani
Date: 2010
- School inspection and supervision in Pakistan: Approaches and issues
Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3
Author(s): Kulsoom Jaffer
Date: 2010
- Multiple providers and access to primary education: The case of Bangladesh
Prospects, Vol. 40, No. 3
Author(s): Zia-Us-Sabur and Manzoor Ahmed
Date: 2010
- Lewin, K. M. and Little, A., (2011) Access to education revisited: Equity, drop out and transitions to secondary school in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, 333-337
- Ananga, E., (2011) Typology of School Dropout: the Dimensions and Dynamics of Dropout in Ghana, 374-381
- Akaguri, L., and Akyeampong, K., (2011) Fee-free public or low-fee private basic education in rural Ghana: What does it cost the poor?
- Buckland, S., (2011) Uncovering South Africa’s ‘New Apartheid’: The challenges to Educational Access for Non-nationals in South Africa, 367-373
- Cameron, S., (2011) Whether and where to enrol: choosing a primary school in the slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 357-366
- Härmä, J., (2011) Low Cost Private schooling in India: Is it Pro Poor and Equitable? 350-356
- Lewin, K. M., (2011) Expanding access to secondary education: Can India catch up? 382-393
- Ohba, A., (2011) Abolition of secondary school fees in Kenya: Responses by the poor, 402-408
- Rolleston, C., (2011) Educational Access and Poverty Reduction: The Case of Ghana 1991-2006, 338-349
- Siddhu, G., (2011) Who makes it to secondary school? Determinants of transition to secondary schools in rural India, 394-401
- Turrent, V., (2011) Expanding Support for Education in Fragile States: What Role for the Education for All - Fast Track Initiative? 409-416
- Essuman, A., and Akyeampong, K., (2011) Decentralisation Policy in Practice in Ghana: the promise and reality of community participation in education in two rural communities
- Little, A. W., (2011) Education Policy Reform in Sri Lanka: the double-edged sword of political will
- Somerset, A., (2011) Access, Cost and Quality: tensions among three goals in the development of primary education in Kenya
- Hoppers, W., (2011) The Politics of Diversifying Basic Education Delivery: a comparative analysis from East Africa
- Ward, M., (2011) Aid to Education: the case of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in India and the role of development partners
- Bermingham, D., (2011) The Politics of Global Education Policy: the formation of the Education for All Fast Track Initiative
- Lewin, K. M., (2011) Target Setting and Target Getting in EFA Policy and in EFA Practice
Other Journal Articles
- The Sustainable Development Goals for Education: Commonwealth Perspectives and Opportunities. The Round Table.
The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, Taylor and Francis, London.
Author(s): Lewin K M
Date: 2019 - Inside Private Secondary Schools in Malawi: Access or Exclusion?, International Journal of Education and Development (IJED).
Author(s): Lewin K M, Zeitlyn B, Chimombo J, Meke Elizabeth
Date: 2015 - Who Gets What? Is Improved Access to Basic Education Pro-Poor in SSA?, International Journal of Education and Development 32:1.
Author(s): Lewin K M, Sabates R
Date: 2012 - International Journal of Educational Development - Promoting access to education for disabled children in low-income countries:
Do we need to know how many disabled children there are?
Author(s): Alison Croft
Date: 2012 - International Journal of Research & Method in Education - The 1977 Universal Primary Education in Tanzania: A historical base for quantative enquiry
Author(s): Ricardo Sabates, Jo Westbrook, Jimena Hernandez Fernandez
Date: tbc - conditional acceptance - Reducing school dropouts through inclusive approaches to education in Ghana. Education Insights, Issue 81.
Author(s): Kwame Akyeampong and Eric Ananga.
Date: 2010 - An-analysis-of-associations between residential and school mobility and
educational outcomes in South African urban children: The Birth to Twenty cohort.
Author(s): C Ginsburg, LM Richter, B Fleisch, SA Norris
Date: 2010 - Who is out of school? Evidence from the Community Survey 2007, South Africa
Author(s): B Fleisch, J Shindler, H Perry
Date: 2010 - Privatising public schooling in post-apartheid South Africa - equity considerations
Compare, Vol. 39, no.2
Author(s): Shireen Motala
Date: 2009 - Small NGO schools in India: implications for access and innovation
Compare, Vol. 39, no.2
Author(s): Nicole Blum
Date: 2009 - Caught in the ideological crossfire: private schooling in South Africa
South African Review of Education (SARE), Vol 14, no. 3
Author(s): Shireen Motala and Veerle Dieltiens
Date: 2008 - Educational Expansion in Ghana: Economic Assumptions and Expectations
International Journal of Educational Development, Vol. 28, pp. 320-339
Author(s): Caine Rolleston and Moses Oketch
Date: 2008 - Policies on Free Primary and Secondary Education in East Africa: Retrospect and Prospect
Why some Education for All and millennium development goals will not be met: Difficulties with goals and targets
Author(s): Moses Oketch and Caine Rolleston
Date: 2007 - Policies on Free Primary and Secondary Education in East Africa: Retrospect and Prospect
Southern African Review of Education (SARE), Vol. 13, no. 2
Author(s): Keith M Lewin
Date: 2007 - Finding place and keeping pace: access to schooling in South Africa
Quarterly Review of Education and Training in South Africa, Vol 13, No. 2
Author(s): Wits EPU (eds).
Date: Dec 2006