CREATE has developed an extensive portfolio of research publications which include over 150 books, monographs, policy briefs, journal articles and country reports. These are listed by author and by theme. Making Rights Realties synthesis CREATE outputs. Wherever possible publications are free and downloadable from this website. Some books and journal articles are copyright and are available from the publishers.
Research Monographs: Pathways to Access Series (PTAs)

The Pathways to Access research monographs is a series of papers which capture analytic insights into educational access on a wide range of access issues determined by CREATE’s research partners. PTAs include research on: changing patterns of access, retention and drop out; multiple providers; planning, finance and resources; policy dialogue and policy analysis; vulnerability including health, nutrition, disability and migration; educational management, governance and school processes; social equity and communities.
Policy Briefs
CREATE Policy Briefs focus on policy messages derived from CREATE’s research programme. Policy briefs are four pages long and highlight the main issues and debates in the field. CREATE research informs the briefs along with insights from other research. They are aimed at national and international education policy makers, as well as others interested in access to education issues.
Country Analytic Reviews (CARs)

Country Analytic Reviews research access to education at the national and sub-national levels in Bangladesh, India, Ghana and South Africa. They provide an overview of access issues in particular country contexts.
Journal Articles

CREATE has had a range of journal articles published.
Other publications
CREATE team members have published a range of other publications, including academic journals, newspapers, newsletters and books.
Working Papers and Research Reports

CREATE published a bi-annual newsletter with information on the progress of the research programme, key events, publications, and other news related to education and access. These have now been archived.