Twelve Point Programme outline

1 - Early Childhood Health

  • Basic health checks regularly for all children organised at school or clinic including BMI and under and malnutrition; diagnosis of disability; monitoring of health status; primary health care
  • Training of teachers to act as sentinels to recognise common health issues in children
  • School environment health audits and mandatory provision of clean water, sanitation etc
  • Development of circles of support around vulnerable children

2 - Initial Enrolment at Age Six

  • Registration of all children with tracking cards to accompany child through school
  • Child seeking school and community activities to enrol every 6 year old child
  • Extension of pre-school at affordable cost to four and five year olds
  • Identification of vulnerable groups – e.g. those with disability, orphans, ultra-poor households, malnourished or undernourished children, girls, immigrants, pastoralists, fisherfolk etc. and design of appropriate interventions to match circumstances

3 - Drop out

  • Audit and track out of school children (drop outs/never attended); identify causal relationships; mitigate push factors (e.g. costs, relevance, corporal punishment, gendered violence; distance); teachers visit the homes of drop out children to enquire after them.
  • Incentives/actions to promote re-entry to schools in appropriate grade for age; develop child friendly and child seeking schools
  • Alternative provision of basic education where return to school is not viable
  • Expand access to lower secondary school and a full cycle of basic education; improve transition rates into secondary

4 - Silent Exclusion

  • Develop child tracking cards to monitor grade progression, age in grade, attendance, and learning achievement; develop protocols to support children at risk of drop out. (e.g. below 90% attendance, 2+ years over age, 2 years below attainment norms)
  • Adopt automatic promotion with support for learning of less capable to ensure smooth progression through early grades at appropriate ages; prioritise reading and number in early years
  • Provide support for improved pedagogy and teacher competence through training, mentoring, and enhanced learning environment; monitor teacher attendance; provide incentives for effective practice
  • Promote curricula relevance and the utility of learning; develop pedagogies that are effective and which make private tuition less attractive; link formative assessment to enrichment and remediation; develop multilevel learning goals linked to range of capabilities

5 - Transitions

  • Chart flows of children through primary and secondary school and analyse who goes to secondary school and who transits to higher levels of education and training
  • Link analysis of flows for children through the education system to the basic arithmetic of youth employment to highlight supply and demand issues in the labour market
  • Review curricula and tracking of children into different school types and different curricula option in the light of  flows and labour markets
  • Plan and project how to achieve and sustain high levels of participation through to Grade 9 and beyond and identify critical inputs needed

6 - Effective Pedagogies and School Size

  • Identify effective learning and teaching strategies through inventories of good practice, analysis of EMIS and performance data, and action research. Promote better practice.
  • Design, develop, pilot, evaluate new pedagogies where these promise and deliver large learning gains
  • Map schools, class sizes, and pupil teacher ratios et al; locate additional capacity in relation to need
  • Identify where multi-grade pedagogies are needed (small schools, multi-age enrolment) and where classes are oversize (urban slums, migrant schools); support curriculum development and training

7 - Buildings

  • Review building stock and demand for space/facilities; project forward and build capacity through appropriate mix of additional classrooms and new schools with quality/cost control of procurement
  • Review services, clean water, sanitation, infrastructure and act to meet national standards on all sites
  • Develop protocols for maintenance/rehabilitation to ensure safe and congenial learning space
  • Mobilise public and private sources of funding for construction and maintenance

8 - Learning Materials

  • Assess quality, availability, and costs of core books and learning materials for children and plan for a book per child per main subject or the equivalent;
  • Identify enrichment materials and other learning and teaching aids and plan provision
  • Adopt effective and efficient procurement and distribution of books and learning materials
  • Develop affordable and effective strategies for information technology evaluated independently

9 - Teachers

  • Assess the stock and deployment of teachers and project supply and demand. Audit distribution of teachers and pupil teacher ratios and act to meet norms and reduce variance
  • Review the teacher education system and reform to prioritise skills and competences linked to more effective learning; upgrade subject and pedagogic knowledge and skill; consider less emphasis on initial training and more on in-service support
  • Identify lost teaching time including absenteeism, manage incentives to increase time on task
  • Provide incentives for difficult postings including housing, promotion, subsidies of training and additional payments

10 - Assessment and Monitoring

  • Provide support for regular formative assessment in main subjects with feedback designed to identify learning problems and improve achievement; keep records of assessment for each child and review periodically; train teachers to diagnose misconceptions and learning difficulties
  • Invest in enhanced data collection and monitoring of schools using improved EMIS and more useful indicators of performance
  • Develop annual standardised monitoring assessments assist in managing performance improvement
  • Commission a rolling programme of analysis of aspects of system performance

11 - Financing

  • Project costs of universal access in short to medium term for integration into MTEF; identify gaps in financing and methods of filling any such gaps
  • Review sub-sectoral allocations, unit costs, and other patterns of resource allocation with a view to enhancing access and equity and affordability
  • Identify necessary cost saving and efficiency enhancing reforms
  • Determine modalities of external financing within a multi donor framework

12 - Indicators and Equity

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of key indictors of access currently in use
  • Develop and use age specific enrolment rates, on schedule completion rates, and appropriate indicators of equity in participation including gender, household income, location, social group
  • Develop goals and targets with stakeholders that are fit for purpose and are challenging but achievable 
  • Link planning to desired outcomes which are more comprehensive and balanced than the MDGs and Dakar Goals, and locate these within a national development strategy