Director's statement

CREATE was conceived in 2005 by its partners as a consortium that would develop a rich tapestry of research insights into access to education. All the partners have been engaged with the long history of education for all at international level. All have special responsibilities within the systems they work to analyse, advice, and contribute to well conceived, evidenced based policy and practice.
The Consortium has depended on the goodwill and commitment of well over 100 researchers who have travelled with it on various parts of its journeys. More than 20 will receive doctorates on topics related to educational development and access and, with others, will take forward both the insights and intellectual architecture of CREATE.
They are accompanied by the countless colleagues in Ministries of Education, schools and communities, who have given freely of their time and copiously of their opinions and reasoning. The debt of gratitude is considerable; the payment is to be found in the various research outputs and the translation of some of the ideas into practice.
Like many research programmes which coordinate range of separate projects as part of a mosaic of enquiry, CREATE has been a journey not a destination. It has many spin offs and resonances in national and international policy dialogue between governments and development partners. The partners and associates will continue to build on the impressive array of research linked to policy that they have created.
Professor Keith M Lewin
Director of CREATE
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