The CREATE Consortium Advisory Group (CAG)
Each of DFID’s Research Programme Consortia is advised by an inter-disciplinary Consortium Advisory Group (CAG), independent of the managing institution, which has clearly defined oversight and quality control functions. The CAG works with the Director of CREATE to shape the aims, strategy and implementation of the CREATE programme of research within a framework of poverty reduction.
The Chair of the CAG is responsible for convening periodic meetings. The CAG’s role is advisory to the RPC Director. CAG members are appointed with DFID’s approval to reflect a range of development related specialisms. The CAG includes two DFID staff members. The Chair may co-opt experts in addition to the normal CAG members when this is necessary.
The CAG is supported by the CREATE secretariat which will circulate papers for appraisal, review or comment; establish CAG meeting agendas in consultation with the Chair, and take a formal record of each meeting.
The CAG is expected, inter alia, to:
- review and advise on the overall direction of the RPC;
- advise on structural issues and on commissioning work from sources other than consortium members;
- review concept notes and external appraisals of research proposals to ensure they meet DFID criteria (including poverty reduction objectives, coverage of cross-cutting issues, high technical quality; identification of communication and promotion channels);
- advise on research products to ensure their effective communication to intended users;
- review monitoring reports and outputs, advising the Director on any remedial action needed;
- advise on effective partnerships with target institutions, and with DFID bilateral programmes;
- assist with arranging any periodic independent reviews of specific pieces of research and of other consortium activities;
- review the annual RPC report and endorse its content
The CAG members are:
- Dr Paud Murphy (CAG Chair); formerly Lead Education Specialist, Human Development Department, Eastern and Southern Africa Region and Senior Education Specialist, Human Development Division, Economic Development Institute (EDI) World Bank; and General Secretary for Higher Education for Development Cooperation, Ireland
- Professor Pai Obanya. Pai Obanya is a former Professor of Education and Director of the Institute of Education at the University of Ibadan, the foundation Dean of Education of Lagos State University (LASU) and a retired Assistant Director-General of UNESCO. He has over 20 years of experience in high-level management at the national and the international levels. His competencies include teaching (with particular emphasis on pedagogy), educational research (particularly policy and development-oriented research), programme development (and related areas of implementation, monitoring and evaluation), drafting, management and team work and negotiations in diverse settings.
PTA 56 - Politics and the Dilemma of Meaningful Access to Education: The Nigerian Story
CREATE Annual Lecture, International Development Centre, London, UK. The Politics of Access to Education: The Nigerian Story - Professor Swarna Jayaweera, Senior Fellow of the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the University of Colombo ; consultant to UNESCO, CIDA, Norad, ILO, ADB. Swarna was Vice Chairperson of the National Education Commission.
- Sally Gear, DFID Education Advisor
- Dr Michael Ward, Senior Education Advisor (currently DFID India, formerly Uganda)
- Steve Packer ( formerly DFID Senior Education Advisor, Policy Development; and Deputy Director, EFA Global Monitoring Report)
- Professor Keith M Lewin, Director of CREATE, Director of the Centre for International Education, University of Sussex

CAG meeting, Sept 2006, Sussex, UK.