Radio and television
- On breakfast time radio show on Citi FM in Jerome Djangmah, Keith Lewin and Angela Little took part in a one hour national phone programme with DJ Moro. (Audio file)
Date: 29 April 2009 - A soap opera "Makutano Junction" on Citizen TV in Kenya used CREATE story lines for episode 7 about school drop outs. Link to website / Link to Episode 7 leaflet
Date: 2009/2010 - UK Future TV interview Keith Lewin about CREATE (WMV file)
Date: May 2008 - TV3 (Ghana) aired a major news bulletin about the Ministry of Education’s national launch of the Ghana CAR.
Date: May 2008 - CitiFM (Ghana) aired an interview with Kwame Akyeampong about the national launch of the Ghana CAR.
Date: May 2008 - carried a news item on the Ghana CAR launch.
Date: 23 May 2008