International Organisations
In this section, you will find links to international organisations with links to on issues around educational access.
- International Labour Organisation (ILO)
- International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
- World Bank
Bilateral Agencies
In this section, you will find links to governmental organisations working on issues of educational access. These links include bilateral agencies.
- Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
- Danida
- Finnish International Development Co-operation (FINNIDA)
- Department for International Education (DFID)
- Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (NORAD)
- Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)
Departments of Education
In this section, you will find links to governmental organisations working on issues of educational access. These links include bilateral agencies.
Non-Government Organisations and Research Institutes
In this section, you will find links to key NGOs, independent institutes, educational associations and forums around the world conducting research, policy analysis and advocacy on issues around educational access.
Educational Associations
In this section, you will find links to educational associations and forums around the world conducting research, policy analysis and advocacy on issues around educational access.
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
- British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE)
- Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
- Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC)
- Comparative Education Society in Europe
- World Council of Comparative Educational Societies (WCCES)
Online Libraries and Research Portals
This section gives links to a number of online documentation centres, research dissemination sites and libraries which allow you to search for access-related documents and either download them directly or find out how to obtain them.
- African Journals Online
- Australian Development Gateway
- Canadian Virtual Library of International Development
- Education-Line
- Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC)
- Eldis
- Experience Development
- id21 Education
- Norrag
- Research 4 Development (DFID-funded research)
- UNESCO Education Publications
- UNESCO News Alert
Research Centres
In this section, you will find our recommended links to other university-based centres around the world conducting research which are around or potentially linked to issues of education, especially as they relate to access and retention in developing countries.
- Centre for International Education
- Centre for Research on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty
- Centre on Citizenship, Participation and Accountability
- Childhood Poverty Research and Policy Centre
- Chronic Poverty Research Centre
- Implementing Education Quality in Low Income Countries
- RECOUP: Research Consortium of Educational Outcomes and Poverty
- National Council of Educational Research and Training, India
- UNICEF-Innocenti Research Centre
Educational Statistics, Policy Documentation and International Targets
In this section, you will find links to different types of online data around educational access. This includes statistics data and policy links.
- Education Policy and Data Centre
- Global Education Database
- IBE/UNESCO, Country dossiers on Education
- Millennium Development Goals
- OECD Education Database
- Population Reference Bureau, Education
- UNESCO Institute for Statistics
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- World Bank - EdStats
- World Education Forum
This section lists the main academic and other journals on issues around educational access and provides links to websites where you can subscribe, download or order back copies.
- African Symposium
- Community Development Journal
- Comparative Education
- Compare
- Comparative Education Review
- Gender and Education
- Harvard Educational Review
- International Journal of Educational Development
- Journal of Development Studies
- Prospects: Quarterly review of comparative education
- Race, ethnicity and education
- World Development
Educational Access Research Themes
Education for All
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Education for All.
- Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE)
- EFA Global Monitoring Reports
- Education for All, National Reports on the Development of Education
- Education for All, UNESCO
- EFA Fast Track Initiative (FTI)
- EFA 2000 Assessment
- FTI calendar
- Global Campaign for Education
- Universal Primary Education, Commonwealth Secretariat
- World Conference on Education for all, Jomtien, Thailand
- World Education Forum, Dakar, Senegal
Education in Fragile States
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Education in Fragile States.
- Child Nutrition and Food Security During Armed Conflicts
- Children and Armed Conflict Unit
- CRIN: armed conflict
- Children and Armed Conflict Unit: Education
- Forced Migration Online
- Global Information Networks in Education
- IIEP: Education in Emergencies and Reconstruction
- Impact of Armed Conflict on Children
- Inter-Agency Network for Education Emergencies
- International Rescue Committee
- UNESCO: Curriculum Change and Social Cohesion in Conflict Affected Societies
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of gender and educational access.
- Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED)
- Gender and Education for All
- Gender Equality and the MDGs
- Gender Violence in Schools
- National girls education initiative calendar
- UNICEF, Girls Education
Health and Nutrition
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of health, nutrition and educational access.
- African Index Medicus
- Child Nutrition and Food Security During Arm Conflicts
- Eldis Nutrition
- Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
- International Food Policy Research Institute
- Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Services (LILACS)
- SCN Working Group on Nutrition of School Age Children
- WHO Library and Information Network
- World Food Programme
- World Health Organisation (WHO)
- School Health and HIV/AIDS, World Bank
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of HIV/AIDS and educational access.
- Aids Alliance Education
- Education and HIV/AIDS: Ensuring Education Access for Orphans and Vulnerable Children
- Girls, HIV/AIDS and Education
- HIV/AIDS Impact on Education Clearinghouse
- IIEP: HIV/AIDS and Education
- School Health and HIV/AIDS, World Bank
Child Soldiers
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of child solders in the context of educational access.
- Amnesty International
- Children and Armed Conflict Unit: Child Soldiers
- Child Soldiers Org
- Child Soldiers Resources
- Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers
- Human Rights Watch
- Impact of Armed Conflict on Children
- IRIN: Child Soldiers
- Refugees International
- Save the Children
- School Health and HIV/AIDS, World Bank
- UNESCO: Children and Armed Conflict
Race and Ethnicity
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of child solders in the context of educational access.
Economics of Education and Educational Financing
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of economics of education and educational financing.
- Economics of Education, World Bank
- Mobilizing the Private Sector for Public Education, Conference Papers
- School Fee Abolition Initiative
Education Statistics
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of education statistics.
- International Review of Curriculum and Assessment Frameworks Internet Archive
- National Centre for Education Statistics
- TIMSS and PIRLS studies
Disability and Education Themes
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of disability and education.
- Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education
- Children’s Rights Information Network
- Disability DK
- Disability Knowledge and Research Programme
- Disability World
- Disabled Peoples’ International
- EFA and the right to education for persons with disabilities (UNESCO)
- Enabling Education Network
- inclusion.Com
- Inclusion International
- International Disability and Development Consortium
- Source: Disability, Inclusion and Development
- UNESCO Inclusive Education
- United Nations Enable
- World Federation of the Deaf-Blind
- World Institute on Disability
Children's Rights
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of children's rights.
- Asia against Child Trafficking
- Children’s Rights
- Children’s Rights Information Network
- End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes' (ECPAT)
- Terre des Hommes
- UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Secondary Education
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of secondary education.
- Secondary Education in Africa (SEIA)
- UNESCO: Secondary Education
- World Bank: Secondary Education
Non-state Providers
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Non-state Providers.
- Action Aid: Non formal education
- ADEA: Working group on non formal education
- Non-state provision of basic services
- Private participation in Education
- Private Schools Serving the Educational Needs of the Poor: A Global Research and Dissemination Project
- UNESCO: Exchange platform on non formal education
- UNICEF: Evaluation of non-formal education
Early Childhood Development
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Early Childhood Development.
Child Labour
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Child Labour.
- Anti-Slavery
- Basic Education and Policy Support Activity
- Child Workers Asia
- Global March against Child Labour
- Global Task Force on Child Labour and Education
- Human Rights Watch: Child Labour
- ILO: Child Labour
- ILO: Child Labour and Education
- International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)
- International Research on Working Children (IREWOC)
- IPEC-ILO Subregional information system on child labour
- One World: Child Labour
- Programme for the Education of Children in Difficult Circumstances
- Save the Children: Child Labour
- Understanding Children’s Work (UCW)
- UNICEF: Child labour
- World Bank: Child labor
Child Trafficking and Child Prostitution
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Child Trafficking and Child Prostitution.
- End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes' (ECPAT)
- Development Education Programme for Daughters and Communities
- MAITI Nepal
Street Children
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Street Children.
Teaching and Learning
In this section, you will find will find links to different types of online data on the subject of Teaching and Learning.